Lincoln University Law Enforcement Training Academy (LULETA)
The Lincoln University Law Enforcement Training Academy (LULETA) is the only one of its kind, the first in the nation at an HBCU.
Are you ready to serve your community? Explore the skills you need to become a community-oriented police officer and how to handle the biggest issues facing law enforcement today. Our diverse faculty will bring their hands-on training and education to ensure you graduate with confidence, ready to serve.
- semester-long, evening program
- 98% placement rate
Receive Training In:
- Defensive Tactics
- Patrol
- Firearms
- Driver Training
- Criminal Investigation
- Traffic Accident and Law Enforcement
- First Aid (First Responder)
- De-escalation Skills
Click here to learn why LULETA was featured on The Today Show — "Innovative police academy at historically Black university is breaking down barriers."
Learn More About Scholarships
The Missouri Blue Scholarship is a law enforcement basic training academy scholarship that makes up to $5,000 available for each selected non-sponsored* law enforcement academy recruit to help cover the cost of attending a Missouri basic training academy.
Contact Us
Lincoln University Law Enforcement Training Academy (LULETA)
Gary L. Hill DSN#1 M.S.C.J. FBI NA#239Chief of Police, Vice President Campus Culture
Lincoln University Police Department
900 Suite C Leslie Blvd
Jefferson City MO, 65101
Phone: (573) 681-5555
Email: HillG@LincolnU.edu
Joseph Steenbergen MS
LULETA Academic Director, Assistant Professor Criminal Justice
820 Chestnut Dr. Suite 314 Founders Hall (Academic Office)
911 Leslie Blvd (Academy Office)
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Phone: (573) 681-5149 Cell: (636) 219-6013
Email: SteenbergenJ@LincolnU.edu