Email & Account Info Help
Email FAQ for new Office 365 staff and faculty users
You can access your online mailbox by:
- Logging in to the Blue Tiger Portal, Clicking the Office 365 icon in the Faculty and Staff Quick Links section;
- If you have the Outlook Card equipped on your portal dashboard you can use it or click on the sign-in button in the lower portion of the card; or by
- Going to outlook.office.com and logging in with your university credentials.
- In order to continue using your email on the desktop, you will need to install Office 365. If for some reason you have not yet been upgraded or are unsure of which version of Office is installed on your desktop, please contact the HelpDesk.
- At initial sign-in it may take several moments for your emails to appear, depending on the number of messages in your mailbox this process can be a quick as a few minutes or as lengthy as an hour or more.
- Sometimes you may be asked for your username and password by the Outlook application, your "username" for Outlook is your email address - LastnameF@lincolnu.edu, when prompted, please enter your email address in the field for username. Occasionally, this prompt may appear several times - enter the information and it should start working again.
- Archived emails will not be automatically moved. To find and open archived files in the Outlook application, please contact the HelpDesk for instructions.
- Confirm your mailbox is operational by sending a message to your designated ITS contact.
- Confirm that you can receive mail by having someone else send you a message, if you have not already received one.
- Confirm you have access to any applicable alternate email addresses, shared mailboxes, and/or distribution lists.
- Confirm you have access to other calendars, if applicable.
- Confirm email signatures are still available.
- In order to view your emails on a mobile device, we recommend downloading the office Microsoft Outlook app from your device's app store and adding your account to the app. For detailed instructions please view the official microsoft support article: Office 365 Email on iOS and Adroid.
- If you prefer the native mail application(s) installed on your phone, we advised that each device and application work differently. However, you will need to access the application settings and/or account list and create a new account. The steps that follow vary depending on the types of accounts supported by application.
- If the app supports: "Outlook", "Exchange", of "Office 365" account types:
- If the application shows you the Microsoft sign in screen, complete the fields with the information as if you were logging into the Web Version of Outlook (view instructions).
- if the application asks you for more information, use the following:
- Server name: outlook.office365.com
- Username: your full email address (e.g. LastnameF@lincolnu.edu)
If this is unsuccessful try adding "LU\" before the email address
- If the application supports IMAP or POP3 (may appear as 'manual configuration'):
- IMAP/POP3 server name: outlook.office365.com
- IMAP Port: 993
- POP3 Port: 995
- Encryption: SSL/TLS
- SMTP server address: smtp.office365.com
- SMTP Port: 587
- SMTP Encryption: STARTTLS
Email FAQ for new Office 365 students and alumni
Your email address and initial password are included in your Acceptance Letter. Once you log in, you will be prompted to change your password.
You can access your online mailbox by:
- Logging in to the Blue Tiger Portal, Clicking the Email icon in the Student Quick Links section; or by
- Going to outlook.office.com; and logging in with your LU email address and password.
No, you cannot. All communication from LU faculty and staff will come through your University email address. It is essential that you log in early and often. The sooner you get comfortable with using this email address, the more successful you will be!
- In order to view your emails on a mobile device, we recommend downloading the office Microsoft Outlook app from your device's app store and adding your account to the app. For detailed instructions please view the official microsoft support article: Office 365 Email on iOS and Adroid.
- If you prefer the native mail application(s) installed on your phone, we advised that each device and application work differently. However, you will need to access the application settings and/or account list and create a new account. The steps that follow vary depending on the types of accounts supported by application.
- If the app supports: "Outlook", "Exchange", of "Office 365" account types:
- If the application shows you the Microsoft sign in screen, complete the fields with the information as if you were logging into the Web Version of Outlook (view instructions).
- if the application asks you for more information, use the following:
- Server name: outlook.office365.com
- Username: your full email address (e.g. LastnameF@lincolnu.edu)
If this is unsuccessful try adding "LU\" before the email address
- If the application supports IMAP or POP3 (may appear as 'manual configuration'):
- IMAP/POP3 server name: outlook.office365.com
- IMAP Port: 993
- POP3 Port: 995
- Encryption: SSL/TLS
- SMTP server address: smtp.office365.com
- SMTP Port: 587
- SMTP Encryption: STARTTLS