Lincoln University operations will be remote on Tuesday, Jan. 7.

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Chemistry Courses

CHM 101 GENERAL CHEMISTRY I. (4, fa, LF, EP). Introduction to chemistry with emphasis on principles. Also includes a survey of the descriptive chemistry of the elements. Three one-hour lectures and one three-hour laboratory. Prerequisite: MAT 111 before or with this course.

CHM 102 GENERAL CHEMISTRY II. (4, sp, LF, EP). A continuation of CHM 101.
The laboratory work includes an introduction to semi-micro qualitative analysis. Three one-hour lectures and one three-hour laboratory. Prerequisite: CHM 101 and MAT 111.

CHM 103 LIVING WITH CHEMISTRY. (3, fa, sp, su). A basic chemical principles course for non-majors, designed for general education and liberal studies students. Can be used to satisfy a part of the general education science requirement. Three one-hour lectures.

CHM 104L LIVING WITH CHEMISTRY LABORATORY. (1, fa, sp, LF, EP). A basic chemical principles laboratory to accompany the Living with Chemistry course. Fulfills general education lab requirement. One two-hour laboratory. Prerequisite: CHM 103 or concurrent enrollment in CHM 103.

CHM 175 SPECIAL TOPICS. (1-5). Topic to be listed in course schedule. May enroll again as topic changes. May not be used as a general education requirement.

CHM 202 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. (4, sp, LF, EP). Elementary gravimetric and volumetric analysis with introduction to instrumental methods. Prerequisite: CHM 102, grade of “C”. Two one-hour lectures and two three-hour laboratories.

CHM 205 ELEMENTARY ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. (4, LF, EP). A brief survey of organic and biochemistry. Does not fulfill any part of the requirement for the chemistry major. Prerequisites: CHM 103 or CHM 102.

CHM 301 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I. (3, fa). Preparation and properties of organic compounds. Stress is placed on the theoretical foundations of the subject. Three one-hour lectures. Prerequisite: CHM 102.

CHM 302 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II. (3, sp). A continuation of CHM 301, by which it must be preceded. Three one-hour lectures.

CHM 303 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LABORATORY I. (1,fa, LF, EP). One three- hour laboratory. Prerequisite or corequisite: CHM 301.

CHM 304 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LABORATORY II. (1,sp, LF, EP). One three- hour laboratory. Prerequisite or corequisite: CHM 302.

CHM 306 BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. (3, fa). Chemistry and function of proteins, nucleic acids and other biologically important molecules. The major metabolic pathways necessary for the study of nutrition, biology and biochemistry are examined in detail. Three one-hour lectures. Prerequisite: Either CHM 205 or 302 with a grade of “C” or consent of instructor.

CHM 307 BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY LABORATORY. (1, fa, LF, EP). May accompany or follow CHM 306. One three-hour laboratory. Prerequisite: Same as CHM 306.

CHM 400 RESEARCH IN CHEMISTRY. (1-3, fa, sp, may re-enroll, maximum 6 credits). Individual research involving a survey of chemical literature, experimental design, collection, analysis and reporting of data. Open to junior and senior chemistry majors. Prerequisite: Chemistry majors, written consent of instructor, see department head for further information.

CHM 401 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY I. (3, fa, odd). Laws and theories of chemistry. topics of interest in physics and chemistry. Includes thermodynamics, kinetics, quantum theory, spectroscopy, chemical bonding, and molecular structure. Three one-hour lectures. Prerequisites: MAT 123, 203, 304, PHY 102 or 202, CHM 202.

CHM 402 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY II. (3, sp, even ). A continuation of CHM 401. Three one-hour lectures.

CHM 403 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LABORATORY I. (1, fa, odd, LF, EP). To accompany or follow CHM 401. Introduction to techniques of basic physicochemical measurements and illustration of physicochemical principles. One three-hour laboratory. Prerequisites: Same as for CHM 401.

CHM 404 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LABORATORY II. (1, sp, even, LF, EP). A continuation of 403. One three-hour laboratory.

CHM 405 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. (4, fa, even). A survey of modern inorganic chemistry. The material to be covered will include inorganic structures and reactions as well as applicable theories, coordination chemistry, bio-inorganic chemistry, solid state. Three one-hour lectures and one three-hour lab. Prerequisite: CHM 401 or consent of instructor.

CHM 409/ CHEMISTRY SEMINAR. (1, fa). Written and oral reports on selected 410 topics in Chemistry. Prerequisite: Minimum of twelve hours in chemistry. Junior or senior standing or consent of instructor. This course is designated writing intensive.

CHM 441 SPECIAL TOPICS IN CHEMISTRY. (1-4; LF may be required). Topics to be listed in course schedule; may or may not include laboratory;may reenroll as topic changes. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.