University Policies and Information for Military

Office for Veteran Affairs

The Office for Veteran Affairs shall provide assistance to any veteran and/or eligible dependent with educational benefits under the Montgomery G.I. Bill® and Tuition Assistance Program. Prior military courses or experiences may be evaluated by staff for equation to Lincoln University coursework. Staff in Veteran Affairs shall serve as advocates for veterans and dependents and provide professional assistance or referral on personal, family, educational, and/or career goals. Each term, staff must report the academic status of students receiving veterans' educational benefits, as well as any change of status in academic progress.

This reference page will provide veterans, service members and military dependents with links to helpful websites concerning their military education benefits, along with useful information concerning attending Lincoln University. The links provided will offer cost information associated with attending Lincoln University, military education benefits and other resources to give veterans, military service members and military dependents full access to all the information they may need concerning their education. Lincoln University appreciates everything our veterans, military service members and families have done for us.

Financial Aid/Student Accounts:

Financial Aid

Student Accounts - Lincoln University Schedule of Basic Fees

All Financial Aid Counselors are trained and able to provide loan counseling to all of our veterans, military service members and their families. Please contact our Office of Financial Aid to schedule your appointment. (573) 681-6156 or>

Programs Offered:

Lincoln University Academic Programs of Study

Lincoln University Bulletins (Undergraduate and Graduate)

AAS - Nursing at Lincoln University's Fort Leonard Wood Campus

Lincoln University Accreditations and Affiliations

Lincoln University Policies Pertaining to Military/Veterans:

Being Called to Active Duty

A student who is called to active duty in any branch of the U.S. military while enrolled as a student at Lincoln will be released from their academic responsibilities without penalty. The following options are available:

  • A student called to active duty may request to withdraw from all classes and receive a full refund of incidental fees/tuition paid for class enrollment. If the student resides on-campus, the refund of fees paid for room/board will be prorated. NOTE: the student must initiate the withdrawal process in the Office of the Registrar by presenting the military orders in order to qualify for refunds of tuition and fees.
  • A student called to active duty who has completed at least 85% of the time designated for a course may initiate a request, through the instructor of record, to either receive an “I” grade in the course or to take an early final examination and receive a final grade. NOTE: When possible, this transaction should be properly notated with the signatures of the student and instructor with a copy of the agreement placed on file in the following offices: Department Head, College Dean and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

No modification in any of the policy options will be permitted. Once a student notifies the designated University representative of their decision, the action selected will be considered final. Any property (equipment, instruments, books) belonging to the University that the student has in their possession must be returned to the lending source prior to separation.

The approved “I” grade(s) received by a student called to active military duty before the close of the academic semester shall be maintained as a part of the student’s academic record until such time as they re-enroll in school. Upon re-enrollment, the student shall be given up to two full semesters to satisfy the requirements of the course(s) that were left unmet at the time of departure from the University.

Lincoln University follows the policy stated in Chapter 3 of Volume 2 of the Federal Student Aid Handbook.

Residency Status

Military personnel who are stationed within Missouri pursuant to military orders, along with their spouse and unemancipated minor children, are considered to hold Missouri resident status. Military personnel and their spouses/dependents remain eligible for in-state tuition benefits as long as Missouri remains their home of record. If a military member is reassigned to another state, the military member’s spouse/dependents will maintain eligibility for in-state tuition benefits as long as they are continuously enrolled in a degree program at Lincoln University.

Campus Housing Policy

Veterans and military personnel, regardless of their age, are exempt from the on-campus housing policy. For more information, see the Campus Life section of the academic bulletin.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Contact Us

For additional information, please contact:

Veteran's Services
903 Lafayette St.

Soldiers Hall, Rm 101D
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Phone: (573) 681-5352