Notice of Privacy Practices

This notice describes how your health information may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.
Our pledge regarding your protected health information (PHI)
We are committed to protecting the privacy of all health information we create and maintain as a result of the health care we provide. Your PHI includes information about your past, present or future health care we provide you and services provided by the Lincoln University Student Health Services (SHS). The purpose of this Notice is to explain who, what, when, where and why your PHI may be used or disclosed, and assist you in making informed decision when authorizing anyone to use or disclose your PHI.
Your rights regarding your protected health information
To request in writing to the treatment area a restriction on the uses and disclosures of PHI as described in this Notice. We are not required to agree to the restriction you request. We may not be able to comply with your request in certain situations, which includes emergency treatment, disclosures to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services and uses and disclosures that do not require your authorization.
To obtain a paper copy of this Notice and upon written request to the SHS.
To inspect and/or obtain a copy of your health record.
To amend your health record by submitting a written request with the reasons supporting the request to the SHS. We may deny your request if:
- the record was not created by us, unless the person that created the record is no longer available to make the amendment;
- the record is not part of the health information used to make decisions about you;
- we believe the record is correct and complete;
- you would not have the right to inspect and copy the record as described herein.
- the record was not created by us, unless the person that created the record is no longer available to make the amendment;
To request in writing a written list of disclosures we made of your health information, except that we are not required to account for disclosures for purposes of treatment, payment, operations, directory notification, disaster relief, as allowed under certain circumstances by law or pursuant to your authorization.
To request in writing to the SHS that we communicate with you by a specific method and at a specific location. We will typically communicate with you in person; or by letter, email, fax, and/or telephone.
To revoke your authorization to use or disclose PHI at any time except, unless your authorization was obtained as a condition of obtaining insurance coverage, and except to the extent your PHI has already been disclosed pursuant to your authorization. Your revocation request must be made in writing to the SHS where you originally filed your authorization.
Our responsibilities
We are required by law to:
Maintain the privacy of your PHI and provide you with notice of our legal duties and privacy practices with respect to PHI.
Abide by the terms of the Notice currently in effect. We have the right to change our Notice of Privacy Practices and we will apply the change to your entire PHI, including information obtained prior to the change.
Post notice of any changes to our Privacy Practices in the lobby and make a copy available to you upon request.
Disclosure Requiring Authorization
All disclosures of your PHI will only be made pursuant to your written authorization, which you have the right to revoke at any time, except to the extent we have already made disclosure pursuant to your authorizations.
Changes to this Notice
We reserve the right to change the terms of this Notice and to make new Notice provisions effective for all PHI that we maintain by posting the revised Notice at our facilities, making copies of the revise Notice upon request to the facility or the Privacy Officer, or posting the revised Notice on our website.