Tobacco FAQs
There is no "right" to smoke under either state or federal law. In addition, prohibiting smoking and the use of tobacco products on campus preserves everyone's right to breathe clean, smoke-free air while allowing adults who smoke and use tobacco products to continue to do so off-campus. This decision supports the rights and privileges of both smokers and non-smokers alike.
January 2013
Members of the Wellness Committee have been presenting to, and interacting with, a wide variety of both students and employees. These presentations include many different official University committees and groups, organizations involving various different colleges, LU colleges' student ambassador groups, and registered student organizations. We encourage all members of the LU community to educate themselves about the upcoming policy. Please check the calendar of events to see when the next training will be provided.
Smoking or use of any tobacco product, or tobacco simulated produce (such as e-cigarettes) will not be permitted in any facility or on the grounds of the Lincoln University campus.
The policy applies to every person who comes to the Lincoln University campus, including visitors, faculty, staff, volunteers, students, contractors, and service representatives.
Yes, the policy applies to all areas of campus, including student housing.
Tobacco products include, but are not limited to, cigarettes (traditional and e-cigarettes), chew, pipes, cigars, hookah or waterpipe smoking, snuff, and snus.
The entire Lincoln University campus is included in this policy. By January 1, 2013, clearly visible signs will be in place to indicate tobacco-free boundaries. See map for details.
No. The university is not asking anyone to quit. This policy simply means that no one can use tobacco products on the Lincoln University campus.
Visit the "Tobacco Resources Treatment" page for more information.
This issue will be addressed at a later date.
This issue will be addressed at a later date.
Yes. When this change occurs enacted in January 2013, LU will join more than 500 other United States colleges and universities with tobacco-free and/or smoke-free policies in place for the entire campus, indoors and out. Campuses in Missouri that are or will be going tobacco-free include:
- Washington University
- Missouri State University
- Northwest Missouri State University
- University of Missouri - St. Louis
- St Louis University
- University of Missouri - Columbia
- and more.
The following are suggested scripted messages others are encouraged to say when they see someone violating the policy:
Example Script #1:
Situation: You see a person using tobacco products on LU property.
Response: "Hello, my name is _______, and I am an (employee, student) here at LU. I want to make you aware that we are now a Tobacco-Free campus … meaning that tobacco products are prohibited on our grounds. We would appreciate if you would not use tobacco products while visiting our campus. Thank you for your cooperation."
Example Script #2:
Question: "Where am I allowed to smoke?"
Response: "Smoking and other tobacco products are not allowed anywhere on the LU campus.
This is a new policy, put in place on January 1, 2013, meant to promote better health in our students and employees. If you need to smoke or use tobacco products you will need to leave the campus.
We do have nicotine gum and patches available for you to purchase at a discount at all convenience stores on campus, pharmacies, and hospital gift shops. Using these nicotine products will help you feel more comfortable while on campus."
Example Script #3:
For Vendors and Visitors: "I'd like to let you know in advance that LU campus is going to be a Tobacco-Free environment as of January 1, 2013. Use of tobacco products will not be permitted on any property, grounds, or parking areas. Nicotine gum and patches can be purchased at most shopping centers and pharmacies. We have employees and students who are trying to quit using tobacco. Thank you for respecting our policy."
Example Script #4:
For registration, pre-admission, and office staff who are speaking to students and families prior to a LU campus visit: "I'd like to let you know in advance that LU campus is going to be a Tobacco-Free environment as of January 1, 2013. Use of tobacco products will not be permitted on any property, grounds, or parking areas. Nicotine gum and patches can be purchased at most shopping centers and pharmacies. Thank you for your understanding."
Click on the "Tobacco Treatment Resources" tab for more information. A special section is available for faculty and staff.
Click on the "Tobacco Treatment Resources" tab for more information. A special section is available for LU students.
Lincoln University values the health and well-being of everyone who uses our facilities. If you use tobacco products and would like to quit, discuss with your physician or other health care provider which of the approaches may work best for you.
Electronic cigarettes are not a safe alternative to traditional cigarettes. The FDA has found several safety concerns regarding the use of these products, which are designed to deliver variable amounts of nicotine.
Many health proponents, most notably the World Health Organization, have expressed serious concerns about the adverse health effects of electronic cigarettes. These organizations, including the FDA, cite a serious lack of safety data regarding the inhalation of known hazardous chemicals such as propylene glycol (found in antifreeze) and tobacco specific nitrosamines (which cause cancer), which have been found in e-cigs when tested. We know these chemicals are harmful. The FDA does not regulate e-cigarettes and does not consider them to be a safe nicotine delivery system. E-cigarettes are currently banned for import by the FDA.
LU's tobacco-free policy aims to promote a healthy environment including cleaner, safer air where everyone can live, work, and learn. Prohibiting electronic cigarettes is consistent with the aim of the policy.
There are two reasons why LU decided not to create designated smoking areas. First, designated smoking areas are not consistent with the policy. The aim of LU's tobacco-free policy is to create a healthy environment to live, work, and learn. Creating smoking areas sends a message that tobacco use is acceptable; rather, the university promotes healthy lifestyles and provides assistance for students and employees who are ready to quit and for those who need to manage their addiction symptoms while on campus. Second, designated smoking areas create confusion and are a compliance challenge. Experience on other college campuses and best practice for tobacco policy pointed us in the direction of a comprehensive campus wide tobacco-free policy with no designated smoking areas. Rarely do people comply with designated smoking areas.
All international students will be automatically enrolled in the student health insurance. The student health insurance fee will be placed on your student account.
Please refer to the brochure on the insurance website.
Please refer to the brochure on the insurance website.
Your student health insurance plan does require you to contact the Student Health Insurance company when you are being admitted to the hospital on an inpatient basis. Outpatient services, including same day surgery and emergency room visits, do not need to be precertified. Your specific pre-certification requirements are listed on the back side of your student health insurance indentification card. If you do not have the student health insurance plan, please check with your provider.
Jefferson City, MO is home to two hospitals, Capital Region Medical Center and SSM Health St. Mary's. Please see the following page for further information.
Yes, Please bring a copy of your discharge information to the Student Health Center to complete your claim