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- Standard of Proof
In all cases of disciplinary adjudication, the university decides responsibility using “a preponderance of evidence” indicating that it is “more likely than not” that an incident did or did not occur.
If a student is found responsible for any of the following violations, he/she will be subject to disciplinary action through the university Judicial System. The sanctions imposed will depend on the severity of the violation(s) and/or the student’s previous disciplinary record. If the alleged violation is judged to be severe enough by the Vice President for Advancement (see Interim Suspension), the university reserves the right to impose interim suspension before a Conduct Hearing has occurred. The use of interim suspension is used when there is a threat to the health and safety of the accused student and/or other members of the university community.
- Rules and Regulations
Violations include:
- Stealing: Stealing or attempted stealing, unauthorized possession, misuse or wrongful appropriation, vandalism or malicious destruction, or sale of property belonging to the university, an organization affiliated with the university, or a member of the university community (student, faculty, staff, and/or campus visitor).
- illegal Drugs & Other Substances: Being in the presence of any drug that is prohibited by law. The manufacture, use, possession or sale of any drug that is prohibited by law. Possessing drug paraphernalia or other paraphernalia used to facilitate illegal use, and attempting to manufacture or sell counterfeit drugs are also included in this violation.
- False or Withheld Information: Knowingly providing false information or withholding information from a Lincoln University Policy officer(s), university official or disciplinary committee. This includes falsely reporting a fire, bomb threat, or other emergency.
- Tampering: Tampering with witnesses, evidence, Judicial Officer, and/or any other aspect of the adjudication process.
- Disorderly Conduct: Excessively loud, lewd, indecent, obscene, or inappropriate conduct for an institution of higher learning on university owned or controlled property or at a university sponsored or supervised event. Music or other noise played excessively loud is included in this violation.
- Obstruction: Disruption, or prevention of teaching, research, administrative disciplinary proceedings, meetings, interviews, ceremonies, emergency responses, other university activities (including public service events), or other authorized activities on university property.
- Abuse/Threatening Behavior: Any conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person (including oneself) on or off university property, or at a university sponsored or supervised activity. Examples:
- Verbal: threats, cyber bullying, intimidation, harassment, coercion
- Physical: Sexual misconduct, stalking, fighting, false imprisonment, intimidation, and domestic abuse
- Weapons: Possession or use of a weapon, including, but not limited to firearms, knives, bows, arrows, BB guns, and air guns; dangerous chemicals, incendiary devices, or other explosive substances including fireworks; sling shots, martial arts devices; or other objects classified or used as weapons with potential danger or harm.
- Failure to comply: Failure or refusal to comply with verbal or written request/directions from a university official.
- Each student is required to have a Lincoln University e-mail account which is considered the central communication point through which he or she may always be reached. It is the student’s responsibility to check his/her e-mail daily and respond to notices. This includes communication systems used by faculty and staff to communicate with students.
- All students are required to have a Lincoln University identification card and to carry it with them at all times while on university property. Each student should be prepared to identify him/herself and surrender his/her student I.D. upon request of a university official, including but not limited to Lincoln University Police Officers (Dept.), faculty and staff members, and resident advisors.
- Students must evacuate a building or residence hall during a fire alarm.
- Unauthorized Entry or Use: Unauthorized entry or use of university buildings, facilities and equipment, including unauthorized possession, duplication or use of university keys.
- Forgery: Forgery, alteration, falsification, destruction, misuse, unauthorized use or reproduction of a university document, record or identification; or unauthorized use of Lincoln University stationery, seal, business cards, or logo; or misrepresenting oneself as a university official.
- Alcohol: The possession, use, or distribution of alcohol by students on university property or as a part of any university activity is prohibited. Any student who violates this standard of conduct shall be subject to disciplinary sanctions. Sanctions may include suspension and/or referral for prosecution.
- Vandalism: Participation individually or in groups on or off university property which causes damage to public or private property. Vandalism includes misuse of, vandalism to, or tampering with fire equipment, including fire extinguishers, alarms, hoses, and smoke detectors.
- Solicitation: Of and by students or student organizations for money, goods or services without authorization from the Vice President for University Advancement. Solicitation by non-students must also be approved by the Vice President for University Advancement.
- Fraudulent Business Transactions: Forgery or recognized student organizations failing to meet contractual obligations. This violation includes illegal sale of textbooks.
- Computer Security Violations: Accessing without authorization a file to use, read or change contents, unauthorized transfer of a file; use of computing facilities to interfere with the work of another student, faculty member or university official; use of computing facilities to send obscene or abusive messages; cyber bullying, intentional introduction or spreading of a computer virus to the university computing system; use of computing facilities to view any pornographic material over the internet; unauthorized use of another individual’s computer account, misuse of one’s own computer account, or any violation of the policies for using computing and network resources provided by Lincoln University.
- Disciplinary Sanction Violation: Failure to comply with sanctions imposed under the Student Conduct Code, Housing policies, or university policies.
- Policy Violations: Failure to adhere to any university policy, rule or regulation.
- Criminal Violation: Violation of any State, Federal or local law while on university property or at any university sponsored or controlled activity.
- Gambling: Knowledge or being in the presence of or directly involved in any form of gambling involving the exchange of currency or anything of value.
- Hazing: Willful act occurring on or off campus directed against a student or a prospective member of a registered student organization, athletic or band program. Acts of hazing shall include the following:
- Any activity by one student acting alone or acting with others that recklessly endangers the physical health or safety of the student or prospective member including physical brutality, whipping, beating, branding, exposure to elements, forced consumption of food, alcoholic beverages, drug or other substances, or forced smoking or chewing of tobacco products;
- Any activity which recklessly endangers the mental health of the student or prospective member, including sleep deprivation, physical confinement or other extreme stress-inducing activity;
- Any activity that requires the student or prospective member to perform a duty or task that involves a violation of the criminal laws of Missouri;
- Any activity by one student acting alone or acting with others that is directed against any other student for the purpose of humiliating or impairing the self-confidence of the student attacked; and
- Any willful act by one student acting alone or with others attempting to commit any of the above acts.