Due Process Procedures

The university reserves the right to suspend or remove a student from the university and/or university housing if that action is necessary for the continuing operation of the campus, or to ensure the health and safety of the university community.
In cases requiring severe student discipline such as permanent or long-term suspension, the university is obligated to adhere to procedural requirements of Due Process of Law. Due Process ensures that the student’s rights are protected and that all students are treated fairly.
Requirements of due process are:
The accused student is given notice in writing of the specific ground(s) and the nature of the evidence on which the disciplinary proceedings are based
The student is given an opportunity for a hearing
Disciplinary actions must be supported by substantial evidence.
In exercising its disciplinary authority, the university is committed to the principle of equal treatment
including a like sanction for a like violation without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, marital status or veteran status.
Lincoln University has jurisdiction over all behavioral infractions that occur in university facilities or on property owned, controlled or used the by the university. It reserves the right to consider the behavior of students off campus when it is determined that the off-campus behavior interferes with the university and its educational mission. The President, Vice President of Student Affairs or designee shall make this judgment on a case-by-case basis and will make the determination when the university’s educational interests are adversely affected.
Lincoln University Police are deputized by the State of Missouri and have full enforcement and arrest powers of city police officers. The Lincoln University Police officers are empowered to arrest students and other persons who violate state, local and/or campus laws.
Students may seek to change university policies through the appropriate channels, however, they are expected to comply with existing regulations until such changes become effective. The fact that a student disagrees with university policy is not justification for disregard. Penalties are imposed based on the seriousness of the violation. More than one violation will be justification for increased severity of penalties.