Lincoln University Coordinated Community Response Team (CCRT)

RSVP Center


The Lincoln University Coordinated Community Response Team (LU CCRT) is open to all students, staff, faculty and community partners with a vested interest in encouraging the prevention and response of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking on Lincoln University campus. To get involved with the LU CCRT, contact 


The Lincoln University Coordinated Community Response Team (CCRT) joins multidisciplinary community and campus partners to provide interagency, coordinated response and prevention to dating/domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking (DVSAS) on LU campus. This collaboration meets the needs of victims/survivors and, more effectively holds offenders accountable for the safety of all students, faculty and staff. 

The LU Coordinated Community Response Team believes that everyone has the right to learn, live and work in an environment intolerant of DVSAS. Our goal is to make this ideal true for each person with a connection to Lincoln University. 

Victim/Survivor Centered

The CCRT will put the rights and dignity of victims/survivors, including their well-being and safety, at the forefront of all efforts to the prevention and response of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. The CCRT strives to foster a supportive environment where everyone’s contributions are valued and encourages open communication.


Through teamwork, we strive to educate and empower each student, staff and faculty member, as well as each other, to prevent, recognize and effectively respond to acts of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking.


To ensure justice for survivors, the CCRT will strive towards accountability. The CCRT holds itself accountable to survivors, the community and to each other. We will hold offenders accountable for the harm they have caused to the victim/survivor, the victim/survivor's family and the community.

Cultural Competency

We believe each survivor has their own lived experiences, culture, values and barriers. The CCRT will strive to honor these experiences by valuing diversity, managing the dynamics of difference, acquiring and institutionalizing cultural knowledge and adapting to diversity and the cultural contexts of the community we serve. The CCRT will take part in ongoing training opportunities and focus groups to ensure that our team remains sensitive to the evolving cultural contexts of our community. 

Make a Difference!

The CCRT is currently in need of additional members to ensure our campus domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking initiatives honor the lived experiences and unique barriers of historically marginalized groups through an intersectional lens. Contact to learn more!