Residents are expected to exercise due care for themselves, their property, and others. Full cooperation with LUPD, university staff, andresidential life staff is expected from all residents in matters of security and safety. Actions that compromise the security or safety of residents or residential areas will be handled through student conduct.
Residents are expected to carry a University Student ID or another form of photo identification from a government institution while on campus. Residents are not allowed to give this identification to another individual with the purposes of providing access to dining facilities or residence halls. Additionally, residents are not allowed to provide their keys, access cards, or access codes to other individuals, even if family members, friends, legal guardians, or other such individuals.
Residents are also not allowed to tamper with or make inoperable any security, smoke alarm, or fire system. Residents are not allowed to prop open entrance doors to the building, locked areas of the residence halls, or their own residence rooms in order to allow others entry to restricted areas or other areas without escort.