Roommate and Neighbor Counseling
Conflicts occur due to a lack of communication between people and resistance to compromise. All residents agree to follow theROOMMATE/NEIGHBOR CONFLICT RESOLUTION process:
- The complaining resident discusses the problem with the residential staff; the staff will give tips on how to talk with the roommate/neighbor; the complaining resident addresses the concern directly with the roommate/neighbor.
- Our staff will follow up with the complaint. If the problem remains, a resolution meeting is held among apartment/neighbors and residential staff. A roommate/neighbor contract may be formulated to help negotiate a compromise and a “Roommate Agreement” may be required to be filled out by involved parties.
- Residential staff will follow up and revise the roommate/neighbor contract if needed.
- Only after our staff feels that the roommate/neighbor resolution process has been given a chance will changes in apartment assignments be Failure to get along is not grounds for lease termination.
Roommates/neighbors electing not to work through this prescribed resolution process will be assessed a $50.00 transfer fee to change apartments/rooms if apartment availability allows. Residents will also owe any difference in room prices due to the transfer.
In order to encourage roommates and neighbors to get along, there is a room change freeze for the first 30 days of each academic semester as well as the summer term.