Student Resources

Student Resources
Students must self-identify as having a disability in order to receive accommodations. By law, once you graduate from high school, your parents are no longer allowed to advocate on your behalf, nor is the college required to be proactive in offering accommodations.

person in wheelchair outside

  •  Transitioning from High School to College (Checklist for Students with Disabilities)

Have Transitioning from High School to College read to you. Once it is opened, click the play button in the menu at the top.

  • Assistive Technology FAQ and Checklist

Have Assistive Technology FAQ and Checklist read to you. Once it is opened, click the play button  in the menu at the top.

  • Evaluating Colleges: Checklist for Students and Parents

Have Evaluating Colleges read to you. Once it is opened, click the play button in the menu at the top.

  • A Guide to Disability Rights Laws
  • ADA Q & A (U.S. Department of Justice website)

Contact Us

Office of Access and Ability Services

Dr. Tim Roling Access and Abilities Coordinator Thompkins Health Center 822 Lee Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65101
E: Access& P: (573) 681-5167