Procedures for Students without Documentation

Procedures for Students without Documentation
After being admitted to the University and/or being enrolled in classes, students may at any time during the semester, schedule a conference with the Coordinator of Disabilities Services to self-identify as a student with a disability and request accommodations. Students are then requested to complete an Accommodation Request Form providing accurate, documented information concerning the nature of the disability, special needs, and required support. NOTE: Faculty or staff, in a confidential manner, may encourage students to seek assistance or advice from Career, Counseling & Disability Services for the purpose of improving their academic performance or overall quality-of-life while attending Lincoln University.
Should a student be unable to readily obtain documentation from a previous school, vocational rehabilitation agency, physician or other recognized source, but indicate their preference to be evaluated for a possible disability, a list of qualified practitioners are provided as possible resources for an updated assessment to determine the disability(s) and appropriate post-secondary accommodations. (Lincoln University is not obligated to and does not cover the cost of the assessment. It is the student's responsibility.) In addition, students without documentation may sign a one semester notification agreement to receive accommodations for one semester only. The student receiving services under this agreement must present documentation by the end of the semester in order for the accommodations to continue. Form for Verification of a disability.