Access and Ability Services
We disable the label while exploring the ability in disability.
Campus Support

We strive to provide an accessible campus for our Blue Tiger community. Please submit our "Report a barrier" form in the link above if you experience any type of barrier - whether it's a physical barrier or involves university policies, curriculum, campus activities or even faculty/staff attitudes.
Emotional Support Animal (ESA)

Upon receipt and approval of the accommodation request, additional ESA forms will be sent via email.
Accessing Services
Services for Students with Disabilities (PDF)
Lincoln University is committed to providing equal opportunities to persons with disabilities in accordance with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Requesting Accommodations
Students should submit an Academic Accommodations Request Form for disability related services in the Office of Access & Ability Services as soon as possible after admittance to the University, or use this link, in order that expressed needs can be met in a timely manner. Lincoln University reserves the right to require documentation of disabilities.
Available Accommodations
Accommodations to course requirements appropriate for students with disabilities are coordinated through the Office of Access & Ability Services. Academic accommodations are determined by documented and expressed need and must adhere to guidelines found in Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities ACT.
Examples of such services may include, but not limited to, the following:
- Provision of text on audio tape for persons with visual impairments
- On going consultation regarding current academic performance
- Readers for visually impaired students
- Interpreters for the hearing impaired
- Access to recording device for assistance with note taking
- Wheelchair entry access and/or elevators
- Accessible parking
- Coordination with agencies providing services for persons with disabilities
Lincoln University provides effective communication by making documents available upon request in Braille, large print, audio recording, and an accessible format. Videos and television programs may be provided by captioning. Please request auxiliary aides or services in a timely manner to ensure effective communication. The University also provides on-campus-housing accommodations for students with disabilities.
Accessibility and On-Campus Accommodations
If students find that an academic program and or extra-curricular programs are inaccessible, they should report this to the Coordinator in the Office of Access & Ability Services or the academic dean of their college. Every effort will be made to make programs accessible.
Procedures for Students Requesting Services (PDF)
All students admitted to Lincoln University who identify themselves to Disability Office will receive an Accommodation Request Form. Students with disabilities wishing to request special accommodations must submit the Accommodation request form, along with documentation, to the Coordinator for Access and Ability Services, as soon as possible. A Permission for Release of Information to Lincoln University Form may be acquired by the Coordinator to assist students in their acquisition of appropriate documentation. The following procedures usually take place upon receipt of documentation:
The Coordinator will verify the receipt of the accommodations and documentation. In conference with student will verify the nature of the disability and how it might impair the student academics. Letters of accommodations are generated for the student to submit to each Instructor. Returning students are sent a email at the beginning of each semester of enrollment as a welcome and reminder of their role in securing and monitoring the receipt of appropriate accommodations.
Parking for Persons With Disabilities (PDF)
Contact Lincoln University Police Department at 573-681-5555.
Links to Policies and Procedures
- Disability Definition
- Access & Ability Services Forms
- Procedures for Students Requesting Services
- Procedures for Students without Documentation
- Guidelines on Submitting Documentation for Access to Services
- Interpreting Services for the Hearing Impaired
- Notice of Non-Discrimination
- Course Adjustment Policy
- Service Animals Policy and Guidelines
Applicants for admission and employment, students, employees, sources of referral for applicants seeking admission and employment, and all professional organizations holding professional agreements with Lincoln University are hereby notified that this institution does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation or disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities. Any student having inquiries concerning compliance with the regulations implementing Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act should contact us below:
Persons may also contact the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, regarding the University's compliance.