Student Nurses' Association Program

SNA Students

Student Nurses' Associate studentsThe Student Nurses' Association (SNA) allows students who are in the School of Nursing to participate in numerous on campus and off campus activities throughout our community. Students meet once a month to discuss upcoming events, and agenda within the school of nursing.

SNA typically has one fundraiser and community event each semester. Funds raised through fundraising allow students to attend conferences and participate in community related events. Each semester SNA welcomes students into the School of Nursing with their traditional "Muffins with McSwain" breakfast.  SNA also holds a traditional Thanksgiving dinner and annual BBQ. These activities allow faculty and students to come together outside of the classroom and enjoy the Lincoln campus.

LU SNA Bylaws

Featured Lincoln Nursing Alumni

Guide to Diabetes magazine coverMy career started in 1993 when I graduated from Metro Business College in Jefferson City Missouri with a certificate in Medical Administrative Assistant. I did a commercial for Metro that same year as well. I then attended Mexico School of Practical Nursing in 1996 and graduated as a LPN. I then attended Lincoln University in 2007 and 2013 with obtaining my Associates as well as my Bachelors Degree in Nursing. I am currently in my clinical rotation through Walden University to obtain my degree as a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner in 2018. My careers as an RN have been Director of Nursing at Callaway Community Hospital in 2013, and currently I am the Nurse Educator for Diabetes at St. Mary's Hospital (prn) and Senior RN at Fulton State Hospital (20 hrs) as well as in my clinical rotation. I am also a Level One Medication Aid and Insulin Instructor for Missouri Associates of Nursing Home Administrators. My greatest achievements have been on the cover of 2 magazines Professional Dayme Magazine 2014 for being the first African American DON for Callaway Hospital, and Health Monitor Guide to Diabetes 2017 due to a patient writing the magazine and telling them I saved their life. I am also a member of the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing 2017 Walden University with a current GPA of 4.0. Thank you and if you need more clarification just let me know! I also work at Maupin Funeral Home (2011) First African American to work as funeral apprentice/preneed agent/director.

Crystal Morris, BSN, RN

Ashley Weymuth, BSN, RN Lincoln University nursing program truthfully changed my life. Growing up, I knew I wanted to do something in the medical field, but wasn't quite sure what path I wanted to take. I attended another college for a couple of years after high school before deciding nursing was the career for me. Asking around about different nursing schools to family and friends, Lincoln University's program was always brought up. Everyone praised their program and how great it was! I decided to give it a shot and I couldn't be happier that I did! I not only graduated from nursing school, passed my boards and quickly obtained a job, I also made long life friends in the process. Like I said before, Lincoln's nursing program honestly changed my life and I will be forever thankful for each instructor I had and the impact they have made on me and my career! Thank you, Lincoln University!

Ashley Weymuth, BSN, RN 

Steveny Grieve, FNP, AG-ACNP-BCI was born on the beautiful island of Jamaica and arrived in the United States aspiring to attend Lincoln University and become the first person in my immediate family to gain a college degree. While at Lincoln University I graduated with Bachelors of Science in Journalism.  However, I still did not feel fulfilled. I worked as a patient care technician and  wanted to be more involved in healthcare, help people directly, and impact the lives of those I encounter, ultimately deciding to pursue a career in nursing. 

Getting in the Lincoln Nursing Program was difficult — the standards were fair, but I had to work hard to meet them.  Once in the program I was nearly overwhelmed with the work required to be successful in this profession.  The faculty was knowledgeable and supporting, but had high standards for us  to meet.  I struggled to balance work, school, and my family life, but I was determined to reach my goals and make it through.  I almost walked away on many occasions, but I made it so far, I didn't want my efforts to be in vain, and I knew I could impact so many people's lives if I just kept pushing forward.  Two years later, I was proud to say I was a nurse, and proud recipient of the Helen-Monroe Achievement Award.

Once in the profession, I realized there was still so much to learn, and I was eager to quench my thirst for knowledge.  I re-enrolled at Lincoln in order to receive my Bachelors of Science in Nursing (BSN).  I was already well aware of the commitment I was making.  When sleep is a luxury, there is clearly no time for parties, movies, and other forms of entertainment.  Unfortunately, my immediate family had to be patient in my absence also.  The demands of the program were necessary to ensure that we were competent in the field, empowered with the tools and preparedness to handle whatever comes our way, and provide the best care possible.  

Soon after earning my BSN, I took the final step to become a Nurse Practitioner with certifications both in Family Practice and Acute Care. I knew that pursuing a dual Masters would be difficult and although the program I entered had great demands for our time, skills, and aptitude, I already had the work ethic, fortitude, and aptitude forged during my time at Lincoln.  My last semester I worked full time at Barnes-Jewish Hospital as a nurse, while also completing my clinical residency in that great learning environment.  I am pleased to say that my efforts have landed me the tremendous opportunity to serve as a Nurse Practitioner at Boone Hospital, in Mid Missouri — touching countless lives who come requiring critical care.  I am now fulfilled, and it all started because of Lincoln University. 

Steveny Grieve, FNP, AG-ACNP-BC

Jessi Kempker, RNI graduated from the nursing program at Lincoln University in December 2008.  I would consider my time spent in the program as some of the hardest days of my life.  Learning to be the best nurse I can be was difficult; however, I also feel that the program prepared me well for what was (and is) ahead.  I developed the critical thinking skills essential to a nurse, while gaining fellow nurse friends, and establishing good relationships with instructors.  I am proud to say that I graduated from Lincoln University; their nursing program provided me with the vital skills I need in the nursing profession.

Eight years later, I am working at the Cole County Health Department as the Immunization Coordinator.  My main duty is managing the immunization program, which involves:  Immunization inventory management, monthly reporting, holding the immunization clinic for children from birth through six years old, ensuring our office is current with the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices guidelines, and the immunization recall system.  In addition, I help with other nursing duties in our facility, such as the walk-in clinic which serves the community for a variety of services including but not limited to:  TB skin tests, adolescent and adult immunizations, pregnancy tests, STD testing, head lice checks, BP checks, medication assistance, and general education.  Working in public health has been a great experience, as well as rewarding.  

Jessi Kempker, RN