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Bachelor of Science in WELLNESS

Health, Physical Education, and Wellness Department

BS in Wellness:

Today's Health & Wellness professionals provide services to help provide healthy lifestyle choices for individuals and communities.  Professionals in the field use their skills to provide programming that promotes improved physical and mental development that leads to a healthy and rewarding life. 

The BS in Wellness is a 120-credit hour major that prepares students to be successful in the extensive field of health and wellness.  A degree in Wellness prepares the graduate to obtain a professional position in the Health, Wellness, Human Performance, or Sports Management industry. The degree provides an interdisciplinary blend of coursework providing learning experiences in six content areas: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social, Spiritual, and Environmental.

There are three major emphasis areas to choose from that focus on a specific career-field in the health and wellness industry.  Each emphasis area provides specific coursework and a dedicated internship to obtain hands-on experience in the field.

The Health Promotion major focuses on health & wellness, fitness, and counseling.  The Kinesiology major focuses on the science of body movements and prepares students for entry into a graduate program in Athletic Training or Physical Therapy.  The Sport Management major focuses on the business management of sports and recreational programs and facilities.

Program Overview:

Health and Wellness is one of the best possible career options for current college graduates. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the field is growing rapidly, and a 16% increase is expected through 2026. This is twice the average for all other occupations, and the career field has an average salary of $55,000. 

The program at Lincoln University is aligned with a performance-based model, consistent with the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) and National Health Education (NHES) standards. The program provides various hands-on experiences and infuses technology into the process. Students will be provided opportunities to apply the classroom knowledge in an extensive field experience setting, beginning with multiple observation opportunities and continuing through a culminating semester-long internship experience.

Why Study Wellness at Lincoln University?

  • Prepare for a career that is meaningful, rewarding, and provides an opportunity to shape healthy lifestyles in an individual and/or community setting
  • Instill the values of life-long health and wellness in others
  • Obtain a cutting-edge skill set to be a successful professional in the rapidly growing field of health and wellness
  • Focus on preparing for a career opportunity with a practical approach to learning, in a small class size, with experienced and caring staff, all for an inexpensive tuition rate

Wellness Programs

Bachelor's Degree Program in Wellness:

Health Promotion:

Coursework focuses on health & wellness, fitness, and counseling.

Careers include: Corporate Wellness, Medical-related Wellness Programming, and Wellness Counseling.


Coursework focuses on the science of body movements. 

Careers include: Athletic Training, Physical Therapy, Exercise Specialist, Strength & Conditioning professionals, and Personal Training

Sport Management:

Coursework focuses on the business management of sports and recreational programs and facilities.

Careers include: Business, Marketing, Facility Management, Program Management, and Fitness Center Management


Link to HPEW Department Minors Information

  • Coaching
  • Health Education
  • Physical Education

Mission / Objectives

Candidates completing a Bachelor of Science in Wellness will:

  • Understand why and how they can protect and improve their personal health and the health of others in their community.
  • Understand the functions and interrelatedness of the physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual, environmental, and societal dimensions of wellness.
  • Develop an appreciation for lifetime wellness activities by fully engaging in an activity of their choice and advocating for others to participate.
  • Acquire and develop knowledge and skills needed for enhancing the quality of life for themselves and others.
  • Demonstrate responsibility for their own and other's wellbeing.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of social responsibility and professionalism to enhance global consciousness and understanding of diverse people, perspectives and ideas.

Dimensions of Wellness

Wellness is about choices moderation and most importantly about the harmony of our different dimension of wellness.  The six dimensions of wellness include: physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual, and environmental.  Students at Lincoln University will learn more about the dimensions of wellness throughout the selected BS degree program.

Physical: A state of physical well-being includes lifestyle behavior choices to ensure health, physical fitness, and to live in a balanced state of body, mind and spirit. Students, faculty and staff can utilize the on-campus LINC Wellness Center, attend health-related programs and participate in community-based wellness activities.

Mental: Mental wellness includes understanding and making positive lifestyle choices that lead to a lifelong healthy lifestyle.  This includes a commitment to lifelong learning, leadership development, financial wisdom, creativity, goal setting and career development.

Emotional: Emotional well-being enables an individual to be able to function positively in society and meet the demands of everyday life. Students, faculty and staff have access to a dedicated on-campus Counseling Center, resources available through Center for Teaching and Leaning, and various community-based programs.

Social: Social well-being refers to our ability to interact successfully within a community and throughout a variety of cultural contexts while showing respect for yourself and others. Students at Lincoln enjoy intramural sports, campus activities, social activities, and community-based opportunities to socialize with peers and professionals in the field of Wellness.

Spiritual: Spiritual wellness is about understanding our inner life and its relationship with the global world. To be spiritually well means we strive to have positive engagement with others, self and our environment. The LINC and various campus and community organizations offer programs and workshops on spiritual mindfulness.

Environmental: Environmental wellness focuses on understanding how we interact with our community and environment.  Students at Lincoln can learn to enjoy, use, conserve, and develop environmental understanding and connectedness through various community-based organizations.

Pathway to Graduation

Candidates completing a Bachelor of Science in Wellness will:

  • Meet with an advisor to determine if you qualify and have interest in Wellness as a major area of study
  • Declare or change your degree program to Wellness with a selected major area of study
  • Select focused electives based on future career and educational goals
  • Obtain approval and complete a focused internship to apply the classroom knowledge in a hands-on, real-world environment in the Wellness field
  • Successfully complete all required degree program coursework in Wellness and your major at the required grade point average (GPA)