Strategic Plan

campus in spring

This strategic plan guides our commitment to excellence in business education, fostering a dynamic learning environment and ensuring the success of our students and faculty.

The Lincoln University School of Business will continuously increase enrollment and develop teaching and learning models to accommodate diverse student body. We will have diverse academically high-performing faculty and staff who facilitate student learning, development, and engagement.  We will offer the best business programs in our region in both the classroom and online. Our graduates will hold prestigious positions with high income generating and community involvement throughout the global business environment. Our revenues will exceed our costs and we will be financially secure.


The Lincoln University School of Business recruits, retains, and graduates a diverse group of students who we develop and prepare to be successful business professionals. We will support continuous faculty development in professional, academic, and learning domains and increase regional, national, and international cooperation.

  • Build mutually beneficial partnerships.
  • Provide an exceptional learning experience.
  • Continuously improve programs' marketing
  • Maintain ACBSP specialized accreditation.
  • Retention Rates (75% retained freshman year to sophomore year)
  • Graduation Rates (60% graduated within six years)
  • Enrollments (# enrolled 250 undergraduate and 25 graduate)
  • Placement (95% placed with preferred employers, started their own business or entered a grad program)

Strategic Goals and Objectives

Timeline & Measures
Resources Required
Action Items For the Academic Year
1. Develop and complete Advisory Board projects and recruit new members to the AB Board meeting and feedback Dr. Frank
Schedule and Host Advisory Board Meetings & Events Good
2. Develop and strengthen relationships with business leaders to identify and secure funding and other forms of support.
Dr. Mikhaylov
Dr. Phillips
Ms. Carter
Compose a Letter Requesting Sponsorship and Contributions from Regional Businesses
3. Continue with our Small Business Development Center to support small business development and entrepreneurship in our region.
Ms. Carter
Provide Client Support, Activate Incubators, & Expand to Extension Offices
4. Continue JC Chamber partnerships and collaborations.
Dr. Mikhaylov
Ms. Carter
Continue Membership, Support Startup Jeff City, & Serve on the Chamber Board of Directors
Timeline & Measures
Resources Required
Action Items For the Academic Year
1. Identify and share appropriate conferences and grant opportunities for faculty participation
Ongoing Dr. Mikhaylov cooperation w/ Research Center
Support for conferences participation, publications, and grants writing, etc.
Timeline & Measures
Resources Required
Action Items For the Academic Year
1. Employ quality faculty and staff who provide a quality learning environment, quality learning experiences, and quality advising for all School of Business students.
Ongoing Dr. Mikhaylov
Dr. Phillips
Time and financial resources for recruitment and selection Hire New Accounting Professor, Update Faculty Onboarding Process, and Continue to Evaluate Faculty Performance, Hire new Adjunct instructors
2. Develop a review process for all School of Business programs.
2024-25 academic year Faculty
Establish Program Review Committee and Develop a Review Schedule
3. Analyze Peregrine results to improve student learning outcomes.
Ongoing Dr. Chowdhury Identify Most Impactful Student Learning Outcome Improvement Opportunities
4. Add new MBA emphases.
2024-25 academic year Dr. Ajia with faculty cooperation Develop Marketing Emphasis, Leadership, Project Management and Public Administration
5. Increase Internships and career fair participation.
Ongoing Ms. Allen Develop a Career Fair Schedule, Recruit Student Participants,Establish an Internship experience as a Required Business Course
6. Advise and support School of Business student organizations.
Ongoing Ms. Allen
Dr. Frank
Develop Community Project, Participate in Collegiate Business Competitions


Timeline & Measures
Resources Required
Action Items For the Academic Year
1. Develop a promotional strategy for the School of Business. For the next academic year Dr. Ajia Marketing Budget Work with LU Marketing Department
2. Maintain the School of Business webpage. Ongoing Dr. Ajia
Dr. Phillips
Graduate assistant
In cooperation with Marketing Dept and Graduate School The site is updated but resources required for upkeep.
Timeline & Measures
Resources Required
Action Items For the Academic Year
1. Prepare for our reaccreditation self-study and site visit. July ‘24 Dr. Mikhaylov
Ms. Allen
Stipend and consultant fees- allocated Complete Reaccreditation Self-Study and Host Site Visit
The Lincoln University School of Business Strategic Plan was renewed on March 7, 2024.