Summer Hours Through August 9, Lincoln is open Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and closed on Fridays. 

Safety Escort Service

Lincoln University Police Departmentlu-police-banner-image.jpg

Lincoln University Police Department Escort Service

The Lincoln University Police Department is committed to protecting the safety and security of the entire campus community. Therefore, a campus security escort service, utilizing a combination of police officers or police-car-image.png LUPD cadets is available to all students, faculty, and staff members who feel uncomfortable walking during the hours of darkness.  Escorts during daylight hours may be provided when documented safety concerns exist.

Security escort services are provided to individuals who are walking either on campus or between campus and nearby off-campus locations during the hours of darkness, typically dusk to dawn. 

If you wish to request the escort service, please call (573) 681-5555.  When a request for a security escort is received, you will be asked to provide your name, contact number, location and intended destination.  Police personnel will verify, through Datatel, your identity as a student, faculty or staff member of the university.  University Police reserves the right to deny escort service when a request is made for which the campus security escort service is not intended or if the location falls outside a reasonable perimeter of campus as listed above.  (See below for examples of requests that are deemed inappropriate.)  If the request is appropriate, University Police will determine whether to provide you with a walking escort or transport via a motor vehicle.

Please note that In the event that a police officer recieves a call for assistance, calls for police service must take precedence over the escort.  For example, a report of any crime, accident or alarm will supersede a call for a police escort.  If an officer or escort gets delayed, you will be notified via phone call and an estimated time of arrival will be provided.

Examples of inappropriate requests for security escort services include, but may not be limited to, the following:

  • Requests for purposes of convenience only:
    The service is to be used for those who are uncomfortable walking on and nearby campus and not for those who feel safe but simply prefer the convenience of not having to walk to their destination.  The escort service is not to be used to transport individuals to and from off-campus parties or to a store.
  • Requests for escort of individuals who appear to be extremely intoxicated to the extent medical attention is necessary.  In these cases, the police will summon emergency medical personnel and take other action as appropriate.

As a student, faculty, or staff member of this campus, your safety is of paramount importance to us.  If you, at any time, are concerned about your safety, do not hesitate to call LUPD at (573) 681-5555.  We do ask, however, that you restrict your requests for the campus security escort service to those that are appropriate so we can best serve the overall safety needs of our campus.