Reserve Parking - Events

Lincoln University Police Department Lincoln University Missouri Police logo


To establish guidelines for the requests and use of reserved parking spaces at Lincoln University.


The following procedures will be used to request and control reserved parking spaces on the Lincoln University campus.

Authorities who may request reserved parking spaces: Reserved for Student Speaker parking cone

  • President: Unlimited approval
  • Vice Presidents: 20 spaces for each event
  • Deans and Directors who report to the president: 5 spaces
  • Department Heads: 2 spaces
  • Directors: 2 spaces
  • Non-University Employees: 2 spaces

A maximum of five (5) spaces may be reserved on Dickinson Dr. All others will be reserved in the Collier-Hatcher-Parks lot. Requests for more than five spaces on Dickinson Dr. must be approved by the University President.

All requests for additional spaces must be approved by the superior with the authority to request the number of spaces required.

In addition to reserving parking spaces, there will be one other way to obtain parking on campus. That will be through the use of Temporary Hang Tags and Dashboard Permits. These two types of tags will not guarantee a space on campus, but will afford the guest the opportunity to park on campus if space is available. The type of temporary permit issued will be decided by the LUPD.

How to request reserved parking or temporary permits:

  1. Fill out the parking request form (click here for Temporary Reserve Parking Request Form Campus Map).
  2. Submit request five (5) working days prior to the date of the event.
  3. Telephone requests with less than five (5) days notice will be taken in emergencies, but no guarantees will be given as to the type and quantity of parking that will be available.

Responsibilities of requesting persons:

  1. Notify the LUPD of any changes or unneeded spaces after the start of your event.
  2. Notify the LUPD as soon as your event is over or canceled so that parking can be reopened.
  3. Notify guests about what type of parking they will be receiving and the location of the parking. Maps of campus parking may be obtained from the Lincoln University Police Department.