Minimum Requirements

AGE REQUIREMENT – Must be 20 years of age prior to the start date of the academy.
RESIDENCY – Must be a citizen of the United States.
EDUCATION – Documentary proof of high school education or a "State High School Equivalence" certificate.
VISION – Vision in each eye must be correctable to 20/40.
ARREST RECORD – Must be free from conviction. Must have no gross misconduct indicating inability to function as a peace officer. No Felony Conviction (bold), SIS (Suspended Imposition of Sentence), or S.E.S. (Suspended Execution of Sentence).
DRIVER'S LICENSE – Must possess a valid driver's license at the time of application.
MILITARY STATUS – Must have an "honorable" discharge or "under honorable conditions" discharge if having served in the military.
DOCTOR's PHYSICAL – Trainees must bring documentation on their ability to participate in physical activities from their family physician or other medical professionals that performs sports physicals.
PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS – Trainees must have the physical ability to keep the peace, make a forcible arrest, engage in foot pursuits, control resistance, control aggression, and to protect the public, fellow officers, and himself from physical or lethal force assaults. Trainees must be able to physically generate fluidity, speed, and power — with control.
Trainees will perform a physical fitness assessment consisting of a 1.5 mile run, One Minute Push-ups, and One Minute Sit-ups. The assessment will be given at beginning of each academy class, at the halfway point, with the final assessment being done during the last 30 days of academy training. Students must participate at their maximum effort for the physical fitness assessment test. Any student who refuses to participate in the testing or who does not meet the basic requirements of the final physical assessment included in the table below will be dismissed from the academy.
REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION – The LULETA will make reasonable accommodations that do not cause an undue burden to the LULETA, for the special needs of trainees who:
- Declare those special needs to the LULETA training director, in writing, prior to the beginning of the training program; and
- Provide certified documentation of the diagnosis of those needs to the training director prior to the start of the program in which the trainee seeks to enroll.
The reasonable accommodation considered would be such as the trainee could utilize and still meet the job task and licensing requirements of the law enforcement profession.
Requests for accommodation that negate the probability of the trainee's abilities to keep the peace, make a forcible arrest, engage in foot pursuits, control resistance, control aggression, and to protect the public, fellow officers, and him/herself from physical or lethal force assaults will not be approved. Trainees must be able to physically generate fluidity, speed, and power — with control.
Accommodations will not be made to allow exam questions to be read to the trainee. Consistent with Missouri Department of Public Safety Peace Officer Standards and Training licensing exam protocol, trainees with a diagnosed need will be provided a dictionary and extended testing time.