Summer Hours Through August 9, Lincoln is open Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and closed on Fridays. 

About LUPD

The Lincoln University Police Department

The University is patrolled by commissioned peace officers on a twenty-four (24) hour basis. Lincoln's Police Officers are commissioned by the Board of Curators under Section 172.350 RSMo 1996. We can be reached at 573-681-5555. Our fax number is 573-681-0450.

Commissioned peace officers are state-certified and hold all police and arrest powers granted by the State of Missouri. Lincoln University's Police Department works closely with the Jefferson City Police Department, Cole County Sheriff's Office and the Missouri Highway Patrol. Criminal investigations are conducted on a joint basis with local law enforcement agencies when crimes overlap jurisdictional boundaries.

Building Security

All administrative buildings and classrooms are secured each evening after normal business hours and after classroom instruction is completed. Entry to administrative instructional classrooms after normal hours requires authorized key access or access granted by the Police Department. Residence hall security is enhanced by having controlled access to all buildings. Residents are able to enter their residence hall by using an entrance key. The buildings are secured 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to allow only residents of the hall, their escorted guests, and authorized personnel to enter. Residence hall keys may not be duplicated, transferred or given to any other individual.

Information and Programs

The Lincoln University Police Department is available to present special topics of interest to the residence hall members, commuter students and faculty/staff upon request.

Rape prevention, crime prevention, fire safety, etc., briefings and training sessions are offered on a continuing basis.

Brochures and pamphlets are prepared and distributed on a regular basis. These handouts are free and are made available through the campus mail system, distribution in residence halls and displayed in the Police Department. Crime prevention reminders are posted throughout the campus area encouraging students and others to report crimes.

For a current list of registered sex offenders on campus, please visit the "Links of Interest" page. This page contains a link to the Missouri State HIghway Patrol Sex Offender Registration page.

Off Campus Activities

Lincoln University does not, at this time, recognize any off-campus activities by students. There are no official fraternities or sororities engaged in functions off campus sanctioned by University officials. There are no fraternity or sorority houses recognized by the National Fraternity/Sorority headquarters or the university who occupy local houses off campus. Criminal activity by students off campus is not officially reported to the university on a regular basis. However, when criminal activities do occur off campus and are brought to our attention, University officials will give cooperation and support to local law enforcement officials. Reports of such criminal activity are shared by the two jurisdictions.

Public Information

The Director of University Relations and the Chief of the Police Department make public announcements regarding crime that occurs on campus in a manner that is timely and that will aid in the prevention of similar occurrences. Such reports may be made over the university radio station FM88.9 KJLU, through the university student paper, "The Clarion", by Crime Alert flyers, or viewed on JCTV Channel 3.

Reporting Crimes

"Our mission is to provide a safe, secure and enjoyable environment to live, study and work within."

Violations of university regulations, state and federal laws should be reported directly to the Police Department. Emergencies can be reported by telephone, (573)681-5555, by the use of emergency "red" phones, or in person. All calls for assistance and reports of criminal activity are guy-walking-desk-image.jpghandled on a priority basis. An officer will respond and take the appropriate actions and file reports on all incidents occurring on campus.

Criminal activity that occurs off campus should be immediately reported to:

Jefferson City Police Department: (573) 634-6400 

Cole County Sheriff's Office at: (573) 634-9160

Crimes of violence listed in the Missouri Criminal Code and Federal Codes that are reported to the University Police Department will be fully investigated. Results of investigations are reported to the appropriate body within the university, state or federal government.

Upon final adjudication of university hearings victims may request, through the Vice President for Student Affairs, the results of any disciplinary actions taken against an alleged perpetrator. Section 438 (b) of the General Education Provisions Act 20 U.S.C. 1232 g(b) does not prohibit disclosure of information to victims of any crimes of violence.