Lincoln University Earns Prestigious Research Classification in 2025 Carnegie Rankings
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Jefferson City, MO 65101

Lincoln University is proud to be recognized by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education as a Research College and University in the 2025 Carnegie Classifications of Institutions of Higher Education. This specific designation is in recognition of the University’s dedication of more than $9.1 million in research activity on average annually from FY 21-23.
This recognition is an affirmation of Lincoln’s pledge to advance research as a core component within the scholarly pursuits of not only our faculty but also our students.
“This Carnegie Classification for Lincoln University is a testament to our work to elevate the importance of research among our faculty, students and those that work to personify our land-grant mission,” said Lincoln University Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Stevie Lawrence II. “We are working now to embed undergraduate research activity into more of our academic degree programs, along with creating additional opportunities for faculty-led research by providing additional resources and expanding our graduate programs. These efforts will increase curiosity among our students and encourage faculty to pursue more external funding to advance their scholarship.”
The majority of research activity at Lincoln University is currently focused on animal, environmental and plant sciences, food safety and natural resources. However, plans are developing to expand research efforts in the social and behavioral sciences.
Among Missouri's universities, Lincoln University has the most aquaculture facilities, the best equipped and supported aquaculture research program, and the only academic program in aquaculture.
“Our land-grant mission drives a significant portion of our research activity,” said Lincoln University Vice President of Land-Grant Engagement and Dean of the College of Agriculture, Environmental and Human Sciences Dr. Douglas Lavergne. “The answers to the emerging needs in agriculture and related sciences, along with providing solutions to community and human science-related issues across the state of Missouri, are being found here at Lincoln University.”
The 2025 Research College and University designation is a significant milestone in the University’s ongoing commitment to academic excellence.
“Every day that we exist, our institution continues to prove that we can do more to better serve our students, faculty, staff and community,” Lincoln University President Dr. John Moseley said. “This isn’t a stopping point for us, but it is a reassurance that our efforts are making a difference not just here on our campus, but across our nation.”
Lawrence adds he is working in partnership with the faculty to develop curriculum to offer doctoral-level work at Lincoln University in the near future that will assist the University in elevating its research activity to the next level.
“We are already devoting enough funding to meet the next level in the Carnegie Classifications," he said. "As provost, I am excited about working with the faculty to build doctoral-level education to reach the next level in research activity for our University. This will bring great benefits to the entire university.
For more information on the Carnegie Classifications, visit Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education.