LU State Extension Specialist Dr. Nadia Navarrette-Tindall Publishes Article on Missouri Native Edibles for Fall Dining
Office of Communications and Marketing
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Jefferson City, MO 65101

Looking to add unique, locally sourced flavors to your fall meals? Dr. Nadia Navarrete-Tindall, state extension specialist at Lincoln University of Missouri, explores garden-grown Missouri native edibles in her article, “Garden-Grown Missouri Native Edibles for Fall Dining," published on, a collective impact organization that promotes the increase of native plant landscapes. The organization's mission is to encourage the appreciation, conservation and use of native plants in the heartland through educating, collaborating and facilitating the planting of regenerative native landscapes that are essential for a healthy planet.
Learn how native plants like spicebush, wild plums, persimmons and paw can be harvested and used in various recipes while supporting wildlife and pollinators.