Lincoln University Welcomes 34 Students into Honors Program

October 30th, 2024

Lincoln University of Missouri inducted 34 students into its Honors Program during a ceremony Monday, Oct. 28, in the Scruggs University Center Ballroom.

The Honors Program, established in 1965, provides enhanced interdisciplinary experiences for academically motivated students. Members commit to upholding four pillars: scholarship, service, leadership and character.

Honors Program Induction ceremony

“At Lincoln University, we continue to pursue excellence, and these newly inducted members of the Honors Program are going to help us get there,” said Dr. Stevie Lawrence, provost and vice president for academic affairs. “The complete collegiate experience means fully engaging in the curricular and co-curricular activities that will promote success here on our campus and well beyond. These honors scholars are proof of that.” 

Guest speaker at Honors Program induction ceremonyGuest speaker Bishop Damian Dean Sr., director of United Community Builders, addresses students during the induction ceremony.

The program began with 19 students and has evolved into a living learning community that prepares students for success in graduate school, professional studies and work environments. Students participate in honors-level courses and engage in activities that develop them as global citizens who think critically and serve their communities.

For more information about the Honors Program, visit the Honors Program page.

Click here to view photos and candids from the event.

Honors program induction 2024

The 2024 inductees are:

John Amoah, Khioncey Anderson, Kyriah Anderson, Roland Baker, McKenzie Burns, Serenity Cade-Williams, Jadiel Chance, Courtney-Nicole Cooper, Ocean Comfort, Carolina Dos Santos, Camryn Duncan, Brittany Emanuel, Amarie Gilley, Michelle Granja, Divyasheni Gunasegar, Nathan Harden, Albert Kemeh, Briana Knight, Jayla Lee, Mya Moore, Johnnia Moore, Peter Mubiru, Jonas Mueller, Callianne Nilges, Amber Perry, Angela Reynolds, Eric Reynolds, Madelynn Sechrest, Hailey Schrimpf, Joel Stroschein, Andrew Sourinhaphong, Cornelius Thompson, Mya Uptegrove, and Tanner Uptegrove.


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