Message from the President: Alumni Council FAQs
Office of Communications and Marketing
Young Hall
820 Chestnut Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101

Dear Lincolnites,
As we close out the month, I wanted to reach out again to provide additional information on the Lincoln University Alumni Council. We have received several inquiries about the makeup and the purpose of the Council, so I’d like to answer these more frequent questions.
The Council will serve as advisors to the University as we work to increase the number of alumni chapters, affinity groups, alumni events and activities, and to improve communication between the University and alumni. The Council will be comprised of 16 individuals representing a cross-section of alumni to include alums from different eras, states, residential status, career backgrounds, genders, races, etc.
The purpose of the Lincoln University Alumni Council is not to replace the Lincoln University Alumni Association, but to increase and enhance the voices of alumni. There is room at the table for the Association to continue on its long legacy of building a network of support through membership, financial giving, and by encouraging perspective students to attend Lincoln University.
It is our goal to realize the commonality of the proven commitment of the members of the Association and the pledged commitment of the Alumni Council members. Both are meant to further the legacy of our University. All parties involved have an unquestionable love for Lincoln, but the University is best served by all of us working together, even in times of discourse such as these.
I will continue to encourage the Association, the chapters and its members to accede to the provisions outlined in the June 10 letter from the Board of Curators and echo the same for the subsequent agreement that was sent to the chapters so that we can collaborate in our service to the University and our students.
Historically, we were at a similar impasse with the former Lincoln University Foundation six years ago. Today, the 62nd and 65th Regiments Legacy Foundation and the University have a renewed partnership through an agreement such as the one presented to the Association. In addition, the Blue Tiger Athletics Club operates under an agreement with the University as one of our affiliate groups.
If you are interested in applying for the Alumni Council or having your chapter or affiliate group sign an agreement with the University, please reach out to the Office of Alumni Relations at 573-681-5412 or
I want you to hear it directly from me that I share your enthusiasm and expectation that Lincoln University remains committed to its roots as an HBCU. The HBCU experience is important to me and is one of the central reasons why I chose to come to Lincoln University in 2014.
We, as a Lincoln family, have endured a difficult and challenging start to 2024. It is up to each of us to determine how we finish the year. I remind you of a famous quote by President Abraham Lincoln, the University’s namesake, who stated, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”
It is my hope that anyone who has found themselves at odds with the University, its administration, and the Board of Curators, come together to give our students an opportunity to achieve their dreams while we all strive to not only remain committed to our HBCU legacy but work to become one of the very best HBCUs in the country.
In Blue Tiger spirit,
John B. Moseley, Ed.D.