Lincoln University Student Paper Accepted for Publication in Cambridge Journal of Human Behavior
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Lincoln University student Travis Barrett has achieved the notable accomplishment of having his research paper, “The Risk of a New Henrietta Lacks? Increasing Awareness About the Impacts on the Consumer because of DTC Genetic Testing in a U.S.-centric Setting,” accepted for publication in the Cambridge Journal of Human Behavior.
The Jefferson City native, who is majoring in biology and minoring in anthropology, initially wrote the paper for Dr. Christine Boston’s spring 2023 Ant 310: Physical Anthropology and Archaeology class.
“I was so impressed with his work that I encouraged him to submit it to a student anthropology journal,” says Boston, LU associate professor of anthropology and sociology. “That summer, I saw a call for papers from Cambridge’s new project, the Cambridge Journal of Human Behavior, and I shared it with Travis. I am over-the-moon excited about this accomplishment.”
The Cambridge Journal of Human Behavior is a student-led, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed quarterly journal for undergraduate students. The journal primarily seeks contributions in the fields of biology and social anthropology and psychological and behavioral sciences.
To prepare his submission, Barrett worked for months to expand upon his ideas to add validity and cohesiveness to the paper.
“I was constantly in the Writing Center working with my bosses and coworkers to perfect spelling, grammar and to bounce ideas off them before submitting the first manuscript,” he says.
Submissions to the Cambridge Journal of Human Behavior require a manuscript of up to 5,000 words, a cover letter and an abstract. Submissions are sent to two reviewers who blindly review the piece and send an evaluation to an editor who sends a decision letter to the author.
Following this accomplishment, Barrett says he sees himself writing more research papers in the future, specifically if it involves paleogenetics or bioarchaeology.
“This was a difficult journey, but if I could give the students at Lincoln any advice, it would be to find the people you can lean on,” Barrett says. “I don’t think I could have done this without my professors, bosses, coworkers and friends who supported me throughout this all. No matter what you’re going through, the people around you should be the ones who are willing to help you through it.”