Interim Leadership & Administrative Changes in the Divisions of Academic and Student Affairs
Office of Communications and Marketing
Young Hall
820 Chestnut Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101

To ensure the continuity of Lincoln's mission, the following interim changes within the Divisions of Academic and Student Affairs are effective January 15, 2024.
Dr. DeNeia Thomas, current Dean of Professional Studies, will serve as Acting Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs.
Dr. Thomas' experience in both academic and student affairs positions her to lead on this interim basis. Dr. Thomas has served in numerous higher education administrative roles, such as vice president for enrollment and student success at Texas Southern University, chief of staff at West Virginia State University, associate provost for academic affairs, associate vice president for institutional effectiveness, director of testing services and comprehensive assessment coordinator. Dr. Thomas earned her Ph.D. and M.S. in educational psychology and an Ed.S. in school psychology from the University of Kentucky. She completed her B.S. in psychology from Kentucky State University.
Dr. Jennifer McCord, current Department Head for the School of Nursing, will serve as Acting Dean of the College of Professional Studies.
Dr. McCord began her teaching career at Lincoln University in the associate degree nursing program in 2007 as adjunct clinical faculty for psychosocial nursing and medical-surgical nursing. She began teaching full-time in the associate degree nursing program in January 2010, teaching psychosocial nursing and medical-surgical nursing. She became Department Head for the School of Nursing in 2021. Dr. McCord graduated from the University of Missouri-Columbia with a BSN and completed her MSN and Ph.D. at the University of Missouri-Kansas City.
Professor Megan Titus will serve as the Acting Department Head for the School of Nursing. Professor Titus will retain her role as Program Coordinator for Nursing at Ft. Leonard Wood.
Professor Titus joined the Lincoln University nursing faculty in 2017. She was named to her current role in 2021. She previously worked in occupational nursing at Mercy Hospital in Springfield, Missouri. Professor Titus earned her Master of Nursing Education from Southwest Baptist University and her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Pittsburgh State University.
The leadership of Drs. Thomas and McCord and Professor Titus will assist us in ensuring our students' academic and student affairs needs and goals are met and achieved.