Help Lincoln University of Missouri Win in Home Depot’s Retool Your School Contest!
Office of Communications and Marketing
Young Hall
820 Chestnut Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101

Lincoln University of Missouri (LU) is looking for support as it takes part in the Retool Your School Campus Improvement Grant, sponsored by Home Depot. In this competition, HBCUs can win up to $150,000 in funding to renovate their campuses. LU is seeking the help of all alumni, students, staff, faculty and the community to win the grant by casting their ballots for them during the voting period, which runs from Feb. 27 to Mar. 26, 2023. The schools with the most votes win!
Click here to vote now (select “Cluster 2” to find Lincoln) and scroll down for more ways to support.
The Retool Your School Program awards grants to HBCUs to support their efforts to modernize and improve their campuses. The program has helped HBCUs across the country fund campus improvement projects such as modernized classrooms, enhanced landscaping and upgraded technology. LU is hoping to secure a portion of the grant money to help fund campus projects it has identified that could benefit from renovations.
The competition is expected to be fierce, with many HBCUs vying for a share of the grant money. However, with the support of the alumni, students, staff, faculty and community, LU is confident they can win and bring much-needed improvements to the campus.
Voting is based on a combination of the number of social media votes using LU’s unique hashtag — #RYSLUM — and the total click to votes at Each time #RYSLUM is used, one vote will be earned per post.
How to vote:
- Share and mention #RYSLUM on Instagram and Twitter. This includes retweets and reposts. Accounts must be public for the vote to count.
- Click to vote at Select “Cluster 2” and scroll down to find Lincoln University of Missouri.
- Participants can vote every day, multiple times per day, during the voting period.
Every vote counts and can help improve Lincoln University for current and future generations. Get out and make your voices heard — #RYSLUM!