Lincoln University of Missouri Welcomes Community to First Annual Holiday Extravaganza

December 12th, 2022

Photos with Santa, cookies, ornament decorating and tree lighting — all with a special focus on Boys & Girls Club of Jefferson City — created a festive, community-focused atmosphere for Lincoln University of Missouri’s first annual Holiday Extravaganza on Tuesday, December 6, 2022. The Jefferson City community joined Lincoln faculty, staff, and students for the event, which was open to the public, free of charge.

“We wanted the students to take a moment before finals to enjoy the holidays on campus,” said Lincoln President Dr. John Moseley. “Expanding the evening to celebrate with the Boys & Girls Club and area families turned the event into a perfect way to highlight the spirit of the holidays and the strong sense of community that we are so proud to share with Jefferson City.”

Moseley and Boys and Girls Club welcome Holiday Extravaganza guests

The celebration kicked off with the University’s official tree lighting on the campus quad. Lincoln University’s Choir, led by choir director Michelle Gamblin-Green, performed a selection of holiday carols. Moseley and Boys & Girls Club of Jefferson City CEO Wade Middaugh shared remarks to welcome Holiday Extravaganza guests.

Families enjoyed free activities at Santa’s Workshop in Lincoln’s Scruggs University Center. Kids of all ages had the opportunity to decorate their own cookie, color ornaments to take home and have their picture taken with Santa.

guests at holiday extravaganza

Photos from the event are available to view, share or download on Lincoln’s Flickr page.

Press Release University News Community