The 62nd and 65th Regiments Legacy Foundation Awards More Than $200,000 in Scholarships to Lincoln University of Missouri Students

The 62nd and 65th Regiments Legacy Foundation, Inc. is excited to announce that it has awarded over $200,000 in scholarships, for the 2022-2023 academic year, to 91 academically qualified Lincoln University of Missouri students. This year’s awards represent a 41% increase from academic year 2021-2022.
Foundation President Hardy K. Dorsey said, "On behalf of the Board of Directors, I am excited to see the increase in applications, and awards, to these fine LU Scholars. Our students are in financial need, and I am truly thankful to the continued generosity of our donors and their firm commitment to the mission of this organization. As we continue to increase our numbers, we encourage our alums and friends to make their annual pledges for 2022 to support the funding needs of our students."
"We are pleased to continue our mission by awarding scholarships to deserving LU students and to financially support their academic endeavors. The Scholarship Committee works diligently to review and approve applications for these highly qualified LU students," stated Dr. Jerome Offord Jr., Scholarship Committee Chair.
Foundation Executive Director, Sylvia L. James Wilson noted that the application process for the 2022-2023 school year is closed. "Applications for the 2023-2024 academic year will open on November 1, 2022, and will be awarded starting in March 2023, for the fall 2023 semester. The Foundation asks the community to join us as we celebrate all scholarship recipients."
A scholarship reception is scheduled during LU's Homecoming festivities on Thursday, September 29, 2022 in the Lincoln University Student Union Ballroom, 818 Chestnut Street, Jefferson City, MO 65101. Family and friends, along with Foundation supporters and board members, will celebrate with recipients and RSVPs will be required.
Interested students may apply online at Questions about applying for scholarships may be emailed to For additional information or to become a donor and supporter of the Foundation's mission, please call Executive Director Sylvia Wilson at 573-291-5384 or email
Since 1970, the mission of The 62nd & 65th Regiments Legacy Foundation, Inc., is to develop, manage and award scholarship funds in accordance with donor intent to qualified Lincoln University of Missouri students.