General Library Rules for Patrons

General Rules and Policies

Some areas are of the library haves specific operational protocols. Rules for these areas may be in place for your safety. Please be sure to inquire if you have questions.

Academic Quiet

This library is an academic library designed to enhance student learning, foster faculty research and provide staff resources. Portions of this library may be marked as quiet areas to allow spaces for students, faculty, staff and other patrons to study and work in a silent as area as possible. Not all areas disallow noise, however. This library is also an open access library, which allows some noise to carry. Because of this we ask patrons to stay aware and monitor their noise and activity level in most areas of the library. If a librarian or library staff person determines that the noise or activity level is detrimental to sustaining the academic purpose of the library, they will first request that behavior is modified in order to accommodate the library standard. The second time they will issue a warning and remind the patron that this library does allow dismissal from the premises as necessary. The third time the librarian may request that the patron or patrons leave.

Note: A librarian or library staff person may request University ID at any time. This ID may be used to coordinate with the campus disciplinary system or campus Police Department as necessary.

Cell Phone and Media Use

The library understands that cell phones and media use are important in a library, however, it must also balance the need for academic quiet versus the need for personal conversation or media use. It is requested that patrons limit their cell phone use as much as possible to less public areas of the library.

Headphones should always be used with PCs when listening or using multimedia (watching movies, listening to music, playing games). The headphones audio should be set as low as possible to accommodate hearing, but not be invasive to other people's listening spaces.

The librarians will monitor for noise level issues and may request that sound be turned down or media / phones be turned off, if the noise is too loud. Because most people do not realize how loud they are when they are on the phone, librarians or library staff may request that patrons leave public areas if phone conversations run longer than a minute.

Food and Drink

All food and drink should be consumed in the Café (former Starbucks coffee shop) or Lionel Newsom Study Longue areas near the entrance of the library.

Covered, closeable beverages and small snacks may be consumed within the library, with exceptions for certain spaces and offices as necessary, such as the Archives or the Digital Media Lab. You may be asked to leave if you do not comply with this policy. 


The library cooperates with the local library and Universities to allow for circulation of materials. Patrons wishing to check out materials must have a Missouri Library Card or a current University ID.

Young People

Patrons and Young People under the age of 12 must be supervised by an adult at all times. This adult must be in the company of and on the same floor as the children they are supervising.  This is a safety and security issue and librarians will monitor the situation. If necessary librarians may contact LU PD to ensure the safety of possible unaccompanied children.

Computer Use

The Blue Tiger Computing Lab is generally available while the library is open. The Blue Tiger Computing Lab is on the main floor of the library, with distributed PCs throughout the other floors of the library. Classroom PC labs are not available to the general public without reservation. Access to computers is available from when the library opens until 15 minutes before the library closes.

The lab follows the first come, first serve rule for computer use. Patrons who have campus User ID and Passwords may log into any computer within the lab and utilize it. Patrons must log out after use for security purposes. Please do not leave the PC unattended while in use. Patrons who leave a PC unattended for fifteen minutes will be counted as finished and the PC will become available to the next users. The lab does not have an official time limit, but during heavy load times, such as mid-terms or finals, patrons may be requested to leave if they are using the PC solely for entertainment or personal purposes. Students with homework are prioritized for access to the lab. 

Librarians will monitor the area for noise and activity level and may request that non-study groups disperse in order to maintain an academic setting.


Hoverboards, Skateboards, Skates and other personal conveyence vehicles are not appropriate for indoor library use and represent liability issues for both the patron and the library. Patrons are not to use personal conveyence vehicles inside the library. They are not allowed.