Course Reserves Policy

Course Reserves Policy

Faculty may request items be placed on Reserve for students to use. Reserve materials are available for checkout at the Front Desk. To request materials, students will need to know the professor’s name, course, and the item they would like, and they must leave their ID card until the book is returned.

Circulation of Reserve Items

By default, items on Course Reserve circulate for a period of two hours and may renewed at the Circulation Desk. If not renewed, they carry an overdue fine rate of $2 per hour per overdue.

At the end of each semester, physical materials on reserve, which are owned by the Library, are moved back to the circulating collection and normal circulation rules will be restored.

Material owned by faculty will be returned. The Library will not be responsible for materials left for extended periods of time, and they may be disposed of.

General Guidelines for Placing Material on Reserve

  • Material shall be placed on Reserve at the initiative of the faculty at Lincoln University solely for the non-commercial, educational use of Lincoln University students.
  • The Library will follow the principles of Fair Use when determining if copies should be placed on Reserve.
  • Students are not charged a fee to access Reserve items. The charge for copies made by students on library printers will be the same as for all other library printing.
  • Material made available for student use through Reserve will be removed when it is no longer needed.
  • Longer works, such as complete books, will not be copied for electronic reserve, even if the works are in public domain or otherwise within the scope of the fair use guidelines.
  • The Library is not responsible for lost personal copies or other items.

Retrieval of Personal and Non-Library Items

Page Library does not have the facilities to catalog, store, and keep track of personal or department-owned items. Personal and department-owned reserve items must be retrieved at the end of every semester.

Non-Library Materials

To keep track of reserve items, it is necessary for us to attach stickers to your items. The stickers are removable with little residue left over.

Page Library is not responsible if students damage your personal or department-owned items. This includes writing in them.

Completing and Submitting Reserve Requests

Complete the form, or Email Page Library at to make reserve requests. Be sure to:

  • Please search the OPAC, Sierra, to determine if the Library owns the materials.
  • Include the call number of the books and DVDs you want
  • Drop off any personal or non-library items you want to reserve
  • Include the citation and ISBN of a book you would like purchased

Purchase Requests

  • Items purchased for use supporting a course will be given priority in the library’s acquisitions process but may take longer to obtain and prepare for Reserves than items already in the library’s collection.
  • Page Library has the right to deny any purchase request.
  • We do not purchase textbooks for reserves.

Submission Deadlines

To guarantee Course Reserve materials are ready for access by the beginning of the semester, requests should be submitted at least three weeks prior to the first day of classes. All requests will be processed on a first-come, first-serve basis, with every effort being made to have them available for use as soon as possible.

The time required to process Reserve requests varies with the workload of the unit, the availability of materials, and the accuracy of the information supplied. Most requests submitted during periods of lower demand (such as mid-semester) will be filled within seven business days, but additional time may be required for items that need to be recalled or purchased.