Computer Use Policy

Computer Use Policy

The Inman E. Page Library provides computers to support the research needs of Lincoln University students, staff, faculty, alumni, community members, and other guests on campus.

Page Library reserves the right to designate specific uses for individual computers.

Student, Faculty, and Staff Use of computers

To ensure effective and efficient access to information, Page Library has established the following standards:

  • Logins are required on all computers. Lincoln University students, faculty, and staff login with their Unique ID and Password.
  • Computer use is expected to contribute to a comfortable and safe environment through respectful use of the Internet and public access computers.
  • Library computer hard drives should not be used to store information. Lincoln University students, faculty, and staff may save files to USB drives or send files to their Lincoln University email.

Guest Use of Computers

Visitors may use library computers under the following conditions:

  • Ask for guest login assistance at the Circulation Desk.
  • Visitors using the library’s online subscription resources will be logged into an available workstation only for the purpose and duration of conducting their research.
  • Visitors should bring a USB drive or email files to their personal email address to save their research materials, for nothing may be saved on the computers.

Guest Use of Wireless Network

Visitors can use the Lincoln University Guest Wi-Fi. There is no username or password required to access this network.

Unacceptable Use of Computers

The following examples of unacceptable use include, but are not limited to:

  • Certain conduct by users may prevent the library from being freely and readily accessible to our students and employees—our main mission on the campus. Viewing and printing material from the Internet that a reasonable person would consider objectionable such as sexually explicit or violently explicit pictures, movies, and/or videos may create a hostile environment for other library users and employees. Library patrons should be sensitive to this matter. All should respect privacy and diversity and be considerate about viewing material that would render the library unusable to other users—especially our student population and the employees who work in the libraries. Failure to comply with Library policies can result in penalties up to and including patrons being banned from the library.
  • Any use that violates copyrights, patent protections, or license agreements. Specific examples of violations include unauthorized copying of software, downloading and using pirated software, systematically downloading or printing entire journal issues or volumes or large portions of electronic resources.
  • Attempts to gain unauthorized access to information systems or violate the privacy of others. Prohibited activities include running programs that attempt to calculate or guess passwords, or that are designed to trick other users into disclosing their passwords or intercepting or monitoring network communications that are not intended for you.
  • Viewing material that violates federal, state, or local laws or regulations, including those regarding accessing, viewing, printing, and distributing child pornography.
  • Tampering with library computers, including attempting to install unauthorized software, disconnecting library computers, or connecting private computers to the library’s network lines.

Technical difficulties will occur. The university is not responsible for any information that may be lost, damaged or unavailable due to technical or other difficulties.

When there is high demand for using computers, time limits may be enforced; those not engaged in research or course-related activities may be asked to relinquish their computer to those needing use for research purposes.