Elizabeth Briscoe-Wilson Technology Center

The Elizabeth Briscoe-Wilson Technology Center provides access to technology, media-based instructional material and equipment for the Library. We provide service, education, and access to current and advanced technologies in support of the Library and Lincoln University.
The Center is located on the ground floor of Page Library, along with the General Stacks and the Multimedia and Group Study Rooms. It serves the University as an Academic Support Unit. Patrons may check out some items, depending upon policy and availability; however, some materials in the Tech Center are not available for circulation. Available audio visual materials include video, DVDs and multimedia kits. These items are searchable via the Online Public Access Catalog.
For more information and/or assistance please reach out to us by calling 573-681-5260 during normal operating hours.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Technoloyg Center (TC) also referred to as Media Services, the Media Center, or The Elizabeth Briscoe-Wilson Technology Center, is to provide an avenue to access current and advanced technology to the patrons of the Library in cooperation with other technology services departments at the University.
Description and Staffing
The TC is staffed by library personnel and student workers for full functionality. The staff positions are typically demarcated as Technology Center Coodinator, Technology Center Assitant; however, could be staffed by other Library Professionals as assigned.
- The TC is located on the ground floof of the Library. It serves as an Academic Support Unit. There are a variety of materials available and maintainted by the Center. Patrons may check out some items, dependent on policy and availability; however, some materials in the Center are not available for cirulation.
- The TC provides several different kinds of services to the patrons of Page Library. These services include, graphic and video production, hands-on instruction and workshops for technology, the use of viewing rooms, equipment, and search aid.
All the professional and non-professional staff in the Technology Center are trained in using the available technology and have relevant experience in various media production mediums; tudent workers are also trained in utilizing the products the Center has available. The members of the team support the mission of the Technology Center by leveraging cross-training oppportunities, having a passion for expanding the use of technology products and constantly striving to perform the necessary functional needs of the Library.