Technology Center Collection and Circulation Policy
Technology Center Collections
The Technology Center (TC) currently has two sets of media available: (1) A circulating collection and (2) an archival collection. The Circulating Collection is stored in the general stacks whereas The Archival Collection is housed directly in the Technology Center. Videos and other media are cataloged according to the Library of Congress Classification System. The collection can be browsed by using an online database.
Since the collections are stored by call number, it is best if patrons ask for the item as such; as a secondary measure patrons can provide a Title. As a replicated log of the collection is kept using the Title and Call number in the event of electronic failure.
- Videos retrieved from the circulating collection may be checked out by Lincoln University students and personnel. Other University and community patrons may view the collection in the library, but are not allowed to leave in possession of the A/V items. Media Center circulation policy mimics that of the Library. Although we do not officially restrict the number of items that can be checked out, we recommend 5.
Media Type | Check Out Duration |
Videos | 2 Days |
DVD | 2 Days |
CDs | 2 Days |
Books | 30 Days |
- Videos retrieved from the Archival Collection are considered reserve materials and my be viewed by anyone in the Library but are not allowed to be checked out as a circulating ite.
Lincoln University personnel may reserve media, from either collection for viewing within the library for a designated time during the semester. These videos may come from either collection, but may not be circulated until after the reserved time is over. The media may only be viewed within the premises of the library. Reserved materials will be located on the reserve shelf in the TC or upstairs in the Circulation department's reservation section. If the reserved video is not on the shelf, the patron may check either location. At the end of the reservation period or semester, the reserve item will be returned to the appropriate collection and become available for circulation accordingly.