Lincoln University Picture Collection

University Archives/Ethnic Studies Center
Lincoln University of Missouri
Descriptive Summary
Collection Number: LUPC
Records Title: Lincoln University Picture Collection
Creator: Lincoln University (Jefferson City, Mo.)
Dates: 1871-1990s
Volume/Linear Feet: c.20
Location: Vault; Cabinet1; Drawers 1A-1E
Total Boxes: 5 cabinet drawers
Other Storage Formats: oversized map drawer, 2 drawers
Primary Language: English
Prepared by: Jessica Shines
Last Updated: 18 Dec 2008
Administrative Information
Processing Notes
This is an artificial collection that was housed in the University Archives since its inception in 1997. Formally, these images were divided into various vertical file subjects or grouped in envelopes with a subject heading. Images that possess a clear provenance were separated and processed as a separate collection.
The images were arranged within record groups, organized by subject. Within each record group, the images were arranged either chronologically or further subject headings. For example, all athletic photographs are arranged within Record Group 22: Athletics. Images of baseball are organized under RG22, subgroup baseball, while football is under subgroup football.
The initial steps for processing this collection were completed by intern Jessica Shines. Ms. Shines' internship was made possible via a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation as administered through a coalition comprised of soliNET, the HBCU Library Alliance, Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts and the University of Delaware.
Cite As
Lincoln University Picture Collection; (LUPC: xx), Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Missouri. The xx denotes the specific record group.
The original provenance is lost for this collection; however, it was determined that the majority of these images were either from the University Relations or Journalism departments.
Restrictions on Access
Currently, there are no known restrictions on access to these images. However, permission to publish works under copyright must be obtained by the holder of the copyright and is the sole responsibility of the user.
Acquisition Information
These images were acquired through departmental transfers and individual donations.
Scope and Content
Images contained in this collection chronicle the history of Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Mo. The images range from candid images of student life to formal images of building dedications and commencements.
For a brief history of Lincoln University, please visit
RG 1: Founders
Consists of images of soldiers of the 62nd and 65th U. S. Colored Infantries, as well as John W. Draine of the 67th Infantry. Also shown are Richard Baxter Foster, the founder and first principal of LU, and a daughter of one of the founders of LU.
RG 2: Presidents and Principals
The President's Office in the early 20th century and images of every president and interim president, including J.H. Garrett whose 1902 nomination to the post was rescinded the same day.
RG 3: Board of Curators
Shown here are individual and group pictures of members of the Board of Curators, the oldest one taken circa 1946. Also included are group images of the recipients of Board of Curator scholarships in the 1959-1960 school year.
RG 4: Law School
Lincoln University School of Law was organized in the summer of 1940 in response to the decision of the United States Supreme Court in the Gaines vs. Canada, Missouri case. The school was located in the old Poro Building in St. Louis and this record group has several photos of men and women entering the school as well as an image of Margaret Bush Wilson, who went on to become the second woman of color admitted to the bar in Missouri. The school was closed in 1955 after the Brown vs. Board decision rendered segregation illegal.
RG 05: Laboratory High School
Comprising this record group are headshots of the faculty, 1960 classroom scenes, and images of students riding in a WWII military vehicle purchased by the Lab School with war bonds. Of special note are the pictures of Faye Tull Carter in a 1935 theatre production, and images of the 1962 graduating class, which included LU President Earl Dawson's daughter, Margaret Ann.
RG 6: Dalton Vocational School
Pictures of the vocational school extension of Lincoln University begun around 1937 and located in Dalton, MO. It closed in 1956. Shots of the main building, the farmhouse, and the shop building as well.
RG 7: Commencement
Images of graduates, faculty, and alumni at LU commencement ceremonies, dating back, with interruption, to 1909.
RG 8: Journalism
This record group is composed of images of several aspects of the Lincoln University School of Journalism, which later became the Journalism Department. This includes images of Headliners Week in the 1960s, the Unity Media Awards in the 1980s and 1990s, the campus radion station, JCTV, and the staffs of both the Clarion newspaper and Archives yearbook. Also included are images produced by the photojournalism classes of Lincoln University.
RG 9: Education
This record group is composed largely of photos of the LU chapter of the National Education Association from 1957 until 1963, with one image from the organization in 1940. Faculty, miscellaneous classroom scenes and images of student teachers at a 1962 Christmas Dance in the Lab School Gym in 1962 round out this category.
RG 10: Music Department
This group consists of images of the Concert Choir, the orchestra and the Band (including the Majorettes). Classroom scenes include several from the mid 1930s that profile the director of the department, Marie Ford, instructing students.
RG 11: ROTC/Military Science
Photos of faculty, cadet classes, Miss ROTC, and men's and women's rifle teams are supplemented by images of the Civil Pilots Training School, begun in 1940 to aid the war effort, and action shots from WWI, WWII, and the Gulf War.
RG 12: Nursing School
This record group shows nursing students working at a health fair, in the classroom, and at pinning ceremonies.
RG 13: Business and Economics Departments
These images of classroom scenes show students learning to type and operate various office equipment. Group photos of the Business League circa the 1960s and images of faculty are included as well.
RG 14: Biology and Chemistry and Physics
This group contains classroom scenes (including several of animal dissection), faculty and one photograph of the Chemistry lab in the early 20th century.
RG 15: Home Economics
In addition to pictures of classroom scenes and faculty, this group contains images of the Sewing and Millinery Department in the early 20th century, the Home Economics Cottage, and several field trips of the Fashion Merchandising Department to Dallas, Chicago, and Atlanta in the 1990s.
RG 16: Library
These photos depict the staff, the old and new buildings of the Page library, as well as artwork that has been put on temporary or permanent exhibit, including that of Thomas Hart Benton. Students browsing and studying in the 1930s are also shown.
RG 17: Organizations
This record group is varied, containing pictures of all the student organizations on campus, including the Student Government Association, the Wesley Foundation and the Newman Center, honor societies, international groups, and the NAACP. Also, civic and non LU groups such as the Women's Federation of Clubs and the Chamber of Commerce are included.
RG 18: Student Life
There are four main subgroups in this record group. The first is that of dorm life; these images, which date back to the 1930s, portray students playing cards and styling hair, as well as group photos of Dorm Council. The second is that of candid photographs of students around campus, both indoors and outdoors. The third subgroup is that of miscellaneous classroom scenes where the department could not be determined. Lastly, Who's Who and Campus Personalities (both yearbook photos) pictures are included.
RG 19: Dance Troupe
This record group contains photos of the various LU Dance troupes, including the 1930s troupe, Orchesis.
RG 20: Homecoming
The group consists of photos of Miss Lincolns, various Homecoming Parades, including the band and the majorettes, and visiting alumni. Notable are images that portray alumni returning for their 50th year and curators riding in the Homecoming parade.
RG 21: Buildings on Campus
This group is comprised of images of each building on campus, including the old Student Union, Yates Hall, and all three Memorial Halls. Includes rare images of the Blue Tiger Café, aerial views of the campus, and a 1930 group shot of the erection of Young Hall, with Logan Bennett holding the cornerstone.
RG 22: Athletics
Includes images of football, basketball, soccer, track, baseball and cheerleading. Team and individual photos as well as action shots that date back to the 1930s. Includes a rare photo from the early 1900s of the football team in top hats.
RG 23: Yearbook/Student Individual Photos
Individual pictures of students going back to the 1940s as well as class photos (i.e. freshman class of 1957, etc.) The class of 1906 is the earliest featured.
RG 24: Alumni
These images are composed mainly of National Alumni Association Conventions and local chapter meetings. Alumni at Homecoming and Founders' Day can be found in those respective folders.
RG 25 Faculty/Staff
This group consists of photos of individual faculty as well as entire departments. Also featured are pictures of Christmas faculty parties in the 1950s.
RG 26: Greek Life
Images of fraternities and sororities as well as their pledge offshoot organizations, such as Alpha Kappa Alpha's Ivy Leaf Club.
RG 27: Drama/Theatre
This record group is comprised of pictures of theatrical productions of the Stagecrafters and other groups. The date range covered by this group is approximately 1912-2008.
RG 28: Physical Education Department
Includes photos of archery, gymnastics, modern dance, fencing, and other physical education activities at Lincoln University.
RG 29: Art Department
This record group contains photos of students painting as well as images of Thomas Hart Benton and the instructor, James D. Parks.
RG 30: Agriculture Department
This record group covers the agriculture department, the farms (including Greenberry), horticulture, and the cooperative extension program. In addition to faculty, the Farmer's Conference in 1959 and activity in the Small Animal Research Facility is shown.
RG 31: Mathematics and computer Science Department
This record group includes images of accounting machines, the Math Club, faculty and classroom scenes in the computer lab.
RG 32: Industrial and Mechanical Arts Department
Includes photos of students in woodworking and drafting classes, practicing bricklaying and using the linotype machine. Faculty members are also profiled.
RG 33: Miscellaneous Photos
These images could not be neatly placed into any other record group and include a photo of a local Juneteenth celebration, promotional materials for LU from the 1980s, and the cover of an LU catalog from the early 20th century.
RG 34: Student Health Center
Contains images of students being examined by doctors and dentists in the student infirmary. One of the doctors, William Ross, was also head of the Jefferson City chapter of the NAAC. Several staff shots of nurses from the 1950s through the 1970s are included.
RG 35: Founders Day and Convocation
All images of these two occasions are housed here including those of returning alumni. Arranged by date.
RG 36: Student Unrest
Images of the discontent on the campus of Lincoln University during the late 1960s and early 1970s due to the turbulent political landscape and local concerns. In one image, police patrol outside of the Student Union.
RG 37: Washington Grade School
This record group contains photos of the 1949 Basketball team, 1931 woodwork class, and a group shot of Lincoln University student teachers outside this grammar school where they did their practicums.
RG 38: English Department
Pictures of faculty make up this group.
RG 39: Social Science
This record group contains photos of faculty and classes in the history, sociology, psychology, and philosophy departments, as well as yearbook shots from the 1960s of the related extracurricular clubs.
RG 40: Lecture/Recital
In the 1950s and 1960s, touring performers and lecturers regularly visited Lincoln University. They included dancers, sopranos, and political thinkers. These pictures are mostly publicity shots and pictures taken from the audience during their performances.
RG 41: Foreign Language
Photos of faculty and yearbook shots of the three language clubs (Spanish, German, and French) from the 1950s and 1960s make up this group.
RG 42: Oversize Photos
Any image 11X14 or larger is placed in this record group regardless of subject matter. There are several photojournalism pictures, a shot of the old Missouri State Penitentiary, and a shot of the 1963 Alumni Association Dinner in Detroit.
RG 43: Famous Visitors
This group shows entertainers and statesmen, including Jesse Jackson (who made two separate visits), Paul Robeson, and Duke Ellington. Local Missouri politicians are also included.
RG44: School of Graduate Studies
This record group shows adult students being tutored in English as a Second Language in the 1970s.