Vertical File

Vertical Files are a collection of information about a particular subject. These files contain newspaper articles, pamphlets, brochures, programs and a host of other source materials. They are arranged by the subject title and within a subject, by name (eg. Alumni: Jones, Lucius).
Vertical Files are non-circulating. Please contact or visit the University Archives to accesss file information.
Find by alphabetical link:
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M
N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Vertical File Subject List
- Academic Affairs
- Academic Success and Student Retention
- Accreditation
- Coordinating Board of Higher Ed.
- Office of University Relations
- Archives, The (university yearbook)
- Alumni (listed in alphabetical order)
- Athletics
- Bands
- Battle, Muriel Williams
- Blacks in Higher Education
- Blacks in higher education
- Bluford, Lucile
- Bluford, Lucile
- Bluford, Lucile II
- Blue Tiger Café
- Blue Tigers cafe
- Board of Curators I
- Barnes, Howard – 1800’s
- L.C. Board of Curators – 1920’s
- L.C. Board of Curators – 1930’s
- Scruggs. Clifford G
- L.C. Board of Curators – 1940’s
- L.C. Board of Curators – 1950’s
- L.C. Board of Curators – 1960’s
- L.C. Board of Curators – 1970’s
- Board of Curators II
- L.C. Board of Curators-1980 – 1983
- L.C. Board of Curators- 1984
- L.C. Board of Curators – 1985
- L.C. Board of Curators – 1986
- L.C. Board of Curators – 1987
- L.C. Board of Curators – 1988
- L.C. Board of Curators – 1989
- Board Curators III
- L.C. Board of Curators – 1990
- L.C. Board of Curators – 2000 - 2010
- Student Curator
- Brown vs. Board of Education I
- Segregation
- 50th Anniversary 2004
- 50th Anniversary cont:
- Segregation
- Brown Vs Board of Education II
- Articles
- EBONY“ Too Good to Die
- Brown Vs Board of Education III
- Articles
- Buildings on Campus
- Allen Hall
- Anthony Hall
- Assembly Room
- Baptist Student Union
- Barnes Krekel
- Bennett Hall
- Building History
- Cafeteria
- Campus Shots
- Chinn Hall
- LU Coffee
- Collier Plant
- Damel Hall
- Dawson Tower Hall
- Dickson Research
- The East Branch Greenway
- Ellif Hall
- Extension School
- Foster Hall
- Founders Hall
- Greenhouse
- Hoard Hall
- Home Economics
- Inman Page
- Inman Page II
- Jason Gymnasium
- Lincoln Laboratory School
- Lincoln Farm
- Martin Hall
- Martin Luther King Hall
- Original Memorial Hall
- Memorial Hall (Ruins)
- 1895 1972 2nd Memorial Hall
- New Memorial Hall
- 2nd Memorial Hall 1895 1972
- Mitchell Hall
- Myrtle Livingston Park
- National Historic Register
- Proposed Natorium (swimming pool)
- Old Rec Building
- Perry Hall
- Presidents Home
- Public Safety
- Recreational Centre
- Reed stadium
- Richardson Auditorium
- Resident Halls General
- Schweich Hall
- Scruggs Center
- Sherman D Scruggs
- Shipping/Receiving
- Small Animal
- Soldiers Hall
- South Campus Building
- Special features on Campus
- Stamper Hall
- Thompkins Health Center
- Tull Hall
- Weirs Creck
- Wesley Foundation
- Yates Hall
- New Yates
- Young Hall
- All the buildings - "Campus shots"
- Buildings and Grounds Department I
- L.C. Notice to contractors bids
- Building and grounds
- Building research report compiled. August 25, 2006
- L.U. 4/3 General Design and Construction
- Plans and Budgets
- Distributable building on-campus handout (w/original)
- Housing/Student Life
- Buildings and Grounds Department I
- Business and Economics
- Business and economics
- L.C. Youth Motivation Task Force
- L.C. Conferences Business
- Calendars
- Carillon
- Campus Chimes
- Center for Academic Enrichment
- Center for Teaching and Learning
- Commencement I
- Commencement announcements
- Degree for candidates
- Commencement II
- LU Commencement 1920s
- LU Commencement 1900s 1910s
- LU Commencement 1889
- Commencement III
- LU Commencement 1930s
- LU Commencement 1940
- LU Commencement 1941
- LU Commencement 1942
- Commencement IV
- LU Commencement 1943
- LU Commencement 1944
- LU Commencement 1945
- LU Commencement 1946
- LU Commencement 1947
- LU Commencement 1948
- LU Commencement 1949
- Commencement V
- LU Commencement 1950
- LU Commencement 1951
- LU Commencement 1952
- LU Commencement 1953
- LU Commencement 1954
- LU Commencement 1955
- LU Commencement 1956
- Commencement VI
- LU Commencement 1957
- LU Commencement 1958
- LU Commencement 1959
- LU Commencement 1960
- LU Commencement 1961
- Commencement VII
- LU Commencement 1962
- LU Commencement 1963
- LU Commencement 1964
- LU Commencement 1965
- LU Commencement 1966
- LU Commencement 1967
- Commencement VIII
- LU Commencement 1968
- LU Commencement 1969
- LU Commencement 1970
- LU Commencement 1971
- LU Commencement 1972
- LU Commencement 1973
- LU Commencement 1974
- LU Commencement 1975
- Commencement IX
- LU Commencement 1976
- LU Commencement 1977
- LU Commencement 1978
- LU Commencement 1979
- LU Commencement 1980
- LU Commencement 1981
- Commencement X
- LU Commencement 1983
- LU Commencement 1984
- LU Commencement 1985
- LU Commencement 1986
- Commencement XI
- LU Commencement 1987
- LU Commencement 1990
- Commencement XII
- LU Commencement 1991
- LU Commencement 1992
- LU Commencement 1993
- LU Commencement 1995
- LU Commencement 1996
- LU Commencement 1997
- Commencement XIII
- LU Commencement 1999
- LU Commencement 2000
- LU Commencement 2001
- LU Commencement 2002
- LU Commencement 2003
- Commencement XIV
- LU Commencement 2004
- LU Commencement 2005
- LU Commencement 2006
- LU Commencement 2007
- LU Commencement 2008
- LU Commencement 2009
- LU Commencement 2010
- Convocation-opening I
- LC Convocation opening 1940s
- LC Convocation opening 1950s
- LC Convocation opening 1960s
- Convocation-opening II
- LC Convocation opening 1970s
- LC Convocation opening 1980s
- LC Convocation opening September 16, 1999
- LC Convocation opening 2004
- LC Convocation opening 2005
- LC Convocation opening 2008
- LC Convocation opening 2009
- Counseling and Testing
- Curriculum Change Program Dance Troupe I
- Dance Troupe I
- General and newspaper articles
- Orchesis
- Dance Troupe II
- Dance troupe 1970s 1980s
- Dance Troupe III
- Dance Troupe 1990s I
- Dance Troupe 1990s II
- Dance Troupe 2004 2005
- Dance Troupe 2006 2010
- Deans List
- Drug and Alcohol Prevention and Education
- Education Department I
- L.C. Conference, association of social science teachers
- L.C. Conference educational
- L.C Convocation health and physical education dept
- L.C. Convocation education department
- Education Dept II
- L.C. Conference, educational conference addresses
- L.C. Department of education
- Dept of Health and Physical
- Education and Wellness
- English I
- English, Foreign Language and Philosophy Department
- L.C. Convocation English Department
- L.C. Convocation student national education association
- General file
- Faculty and staff general
- Fall faculty institute 2006
- L.C. Faculty Publications
- L.C. Faculty Roster
- L.C. Professors Emeriti
- Faculty and Staff (filed alphabetically)
{see the other list} - Family of the Year
- Famous Visitors to Campus
- Benton, Thomas HartLincoln Mural
- Information about Lincoln Mural that hangs in the Library
- Information about content and interpretation of the Lincoln Mural
- Information about the person of Thomas Hart Benson
- Information on Bentons mural in the Capital Building
- Information on various murals of Benton
- Bethune, Mary
- Bord, Julian
- Charles, Ray
- Cleaver, Emmanuel
- Dazz Band
- Dubois, W. E. B.
- Ellington Duke
- Graves, Earl
- Haley, Alex (Dr.)
- Harper Hill
- Hughes, Langston
- Karenga, Dr. Ron
- Jackson, Jesse (Rev.)
- Madhubuti, Haki
- Moore, Waltha M. (Rep. MO)
- Moten, Edda
- Muluzi, Bakili
- Poussaint, Dr. Alvin
- Omni-Presence
- Russell-McDonald, Patricia
- Shirley, George
- Smiley, Tavis
- Southern, Eileen Jackson
- Truman, President Harry S.
- Tyree, Omar
- Washington, Booker T
- Financial Aid
- Financial Restructuring, 1985-1988
- Financial stress 1986-87
- Financial stress 1986-88
- Financial Restructuring, 1985-1989
- Alumni 1987
- Reshaping of LU in 1987
- Facilities usage debate, 1987 connected w/study of LUs financial problems in mid to late 80s
- Fine Arts department I
- Assorted
- Fine Arts Department II
- L.U.V.E. Capitol Jazz Fest
- L.C. Fine Arts Festival
- L.C. Porgy and Bess (1999)
- Share in the Arts
- Fine Arts Department
- Art Exhibits
- Fine Arts Dept III
- L.C. Music Department Band Program
- L.C. Music Dept. Christmas Program
- L.C. Music Dept. Faculty Series
- L.C. Music dept General Information
- Fine Arts Dept IV
- L.C. Music Dept. History
- L.C. Music Dept. Miscellaneous Program
- L.C. Music Dept. Music Fraternity
- L.C. Music Dept. Presentation
- L.C. Music Dept. Student Series
- L.C. Music Dept. Symphony Orchestra
- L.C. Music Dept. Summer Concert Program
- L.C. Music Dept. University Concert
- The Foot
- Founders Day I
- L.C. Founders Day
- L.C. Founders Day Announcements
- L.C. Founders Day Correspondence Folder 1
- L.C. Founders Day Correspondence Folder II
- L.C. Founders Day Correspondence Folder III
- L.C. Founders Day Dinner Program
- L.C. Founders Day Invitations
- Founders Day II
- Programs 1930s
- Programs 1940s
- Programs 1950s
- Programs 1960s
- Founders Day III
- Programs 1970s
- Programs 1980s
- Programs 1990s
- Programs 2000s
- Speeches
- Fraternities and Sororities:
- Pan-Hellenic Council
- General
- Council 1930s
- Council 1940s
- Council 1950s
- Council 1960s
- Council 1980s
- Council 1990s
- Council 2000s
- Alpha Kappa Alpha I
- General
- In 1930s
- Alpha Kappa Alpha II
- Alpha Kappa Alpha III
- In 1940s
- In 1950s
- In 1960s
- In 1970s
- In 1980s
- Alpha Kappa Alpha IV
- In 1990s
- Alpha Kappa Alpha V
- In 2000s
- Alpha Kappa MU
- Alpha Phi Alpha I
- General
- In 1930s
- In 1940s
- In 1950s
- In 1960s
- Alpha Phi Alpha II
- In 1970s
- In 1980s
- In 1990s
- In 2000s
- Alpha Phi Omega
- In 1950s
- In 1960s
- Delta Sigma Theta I
- General Info
- In 1930s
- In 1940s
- In 1950s
- In 1960s
- In 1970s
- Delta Sigma Theta II
- In 1990s (4 folders)
- Delta Sigma Theta III
- In 1990s
- In 2000s
- Kappa Alpha Psi I
- General Info
- In 1930s
- In 1940s
- In 1950s
- In 1970s
- Kappa Alpha Psi II
- In 1980s
- In 1990s
- In 2000s
- Kappa Kappa Psi
- Kappa Omicron Phi I
- General Info.
- In 1960s
- In 1970s (3 folders)
- Kappa Omicron Phi II
- In 1970s
- In 1980s
- Kappa Omicron Phi III
- Omega Psi Phi
- Omicron Delta Kappa I
- Phi Beta Sigma I
- General info.
- In 1950s
- In 1960s
- In 1970s
- In 1980s
- In 1990s
- In 2000s
- Sigma Gamma Rho I
- General info.
- In 1930s
- In 1940s
- In 1950s
- In 1970s
- In 1980s
- In 1990s
- Zeta Phi Beta I
- General info
- In 1970s
- In 1980s 1990s
- Pan-Hellenic Council
- General Information I
- LU Song, Pledge
- LU Mascot
- Administration (articles about the University as a whole)
- L.C. Focus on Lincoln
- History of Lincoln speeches of David Branson
- General Information II
- Administration Budget
- L.C. Administration
- L.U. Mission Statement
- L.U. Pledge/Oath
- L.C. School Song
- Graduate School
- Masters Degrees
- Division of Continuing Education
- History I
- Articles of Association of the Lincoln Institute 1866
- Copies of miscellaneous images
- Schools for Freedman, July 1, 1867
- L.C History Legal Papers Contracts
- History II
- L.C. History Missouri Legislative Bills and Laws
- House Journal 1870
- L.C. History Early Vignettes by Hudson (Dr) Gossie
- L.C. History 1866 1966 Soldiers Dream by Marshall, (Mr) Albert P.
- History III
- A History of Missouri, Vol. III
- L.C. General papers/artcicles
- L.C. History Miscellaneous
- History IV
- Preserving history: LU Campus 1866 2005. Power point presentation
- General information: LU Mascot, Blue Tiger Mascot
- 1975 Memory Book
- History V
- Establishing of Lincoln University Savage
- Home Economics
- L.C. Convocation Home Economics Dept
- Modeling squad
- Homecoming I
- History of homecoming 1925
- Homecoming 1930s
- Homecoming 1950s
- Homecoming brochures 1940s
- Homecoming brochures 1950s
- L.C. Homecoming activities 1970s
- Homecoming II
- Homecoming 1960s
- Homecoming Brochures 1960s
- Homecoming 1970s
- Homecoming Brochures 1970s
- Homecoming Memory Books 1975
- Homecoming III
- Homecoming Brochures 1980s
- Homecoming 1980s and 1990s
- Homecoming (LU) 2000s
- Homecoming IV
- Joe Johnson emails
- Joe Johnson Emails Home coming pictures
- Honorary Degrees I
- L.C. Honorary Degrees
- Honors Convocation I
- Honors 1940s
- Honors 1950s
- Honors 1960s
- Honors Convocation II
- Honors 1970s
- Honors 1980s
- Honors 1990s
- Honors 2000s
- Inman E. Page Library I
- General files folder I
- Inman E Page Library II
- General files folder II
- New Harmonies Smithsonian Exhibit 2010
- Pictures sent to conservation center for Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) Sept 2009. Part of the HBCU Photo Preservation Grant
- Women of Change Exhibit 2009
- Integration I
- Integration Articles
- Inter-disciplinary program/studies I
- College of Arts and Science
- Developmental Studies Program
- Honors Program
- Cluster Program
- International Students I
- Iranian Student Association
- International Student Organization
- John The Baptist
- L.C. Angles, John The Baptist
- Journalism Department I
- L.C. Convocation Journalism Dept
- L.C. Journalism Alumni Notes
- Journalism Award for Significant Contributions to Better Human Relations
- Journalism Department II
- Checklist Negro Newspapers
- Journalism Dept
- Journalism Dept
- Journalism Dept
- Journalism Dept III
- Headline Gazette
- The Headliner
- Journalism Dept IV
- Headliner Banquets Folder I
- Headliner Banquets Folder II
- Headliner Topics
- Inter-Scholastic Press Workshop
- Journalism Dept V
- Journalism speakers at LU Dedication & etc
- Workshopper
- Lincoln Clarion
- Unity Award in Media 1970s
- Journalism Dept VI
- Unity Award in Media 1980s
- Unity Awards 1986
- Unity Award in Media 1990s
- Journalism Dept VII
- L.C. Student Publications
- Journalism Dept VIII
- Laboratory High School/Dalton Vocational School
- Lincoln Laboratory School
- Land Grant Universities I
- 1890 Land Grant History
- Land Grant Universities II
- L.C. National Association of State University and Land Grant Colleges
- Learning in Retirement
- Adult Education
- Continuing Education
- Learning in Retirement
- Library I
- Librarians with Faculty Status
- Page Library ‘05
- Page Library Media Center
- LU Foundation, Inc. I
- LU Foundation
- LU Queens General I
- History
- LU Queens II
- ROTC Sweethearts
- Miss ROTC
- Greek
- Attendants
- LU Queens III
- Queens various years
- Queens 1923 – 1924
- Queens 1925 – 1926
- Queens 1926 – 1927
- Queens 1928 – 1929
- Queens 1929 – 1930
- Queens 1930 – 1931
- Queen of the Quilt 1930
- Queens 1934 – 1935
- Miss Homecoming 1934
- Queens 1935 – 1936
- Miss Homecoming 1935
- Miss Lincoln 1936
- Queens 1936 – 1937
- Miss Homecoming 1936 – 1937
- Queens 1937-1938
- Miss ‘37
- Queens 1938 – 1939
- Senior class Queen 1938
- Miss Homecoming 1938
- Miss homecoming 1939
- Miss Lincoln 1938
- Miss Lincoln 1939
- Miss 1939
- Queens 1940 – 1941
- Homecoming King 1940
- Miss Homecoming 1940
- Miss Lincoln 1940
- >Queens 1941 – 1942
- Miss Lincoln 1941
- Queens 1942 – 1943
- Miss homecoming 1942
- Miss Lincoln 1942
- Queens 1944 – 1945
- Miss Homecoming1944
- Queens 1945 – 1946
- Miss Homecoming 1945
- Queens 1946 – 1947
- Miss Homecoming 1946
- Queens 1947 – 1948
- Miss Homecoming1947
- Queens 1948 – 1949
- Miss Homecoming 1948
- Queens 1949 – 1950
- Miss Homecoming 1949
- Miss Lincoln 1950
- Queens 1950 – 1951
- Miss Homecoming 1950