Our Collection - Lincoln University Picture Collection

outside front library image

University Archives/Ethnic Studies Center Lincoln University of Missouri

Descriptive Summary

Collection Number: LUPC
Records Title: Lincoln University Picture Collection
Creator:  Lincoln University (Jefferson City, Mo.)
Dates: 1871-1990s
Volume/Linear Feet: c.20
Location: Vault; Cabinet1; Drawers 1A-1E
Total Boxes: 5 cabinet drawers
Other Storage Formats: oversized map drawer, 2 drawers
Primary Language:  English
Prepared by: Jessica Shines
Last Updated: 18 Dec 2008

Administrative Information

Processing Notes

This is an artificial collection that was housed in the University Archives since its inception in 1997.  Formally, these images were divided into various vertical file subjects or grouped in envelopes with a subject heading.  Images that possess a clear provenance were separated and processed as a separate collection.

The images were arranged within record groups, organized by subject.  Within each record group, the images were arranged either chronologically or further subject headings.  For example, all athletic photographs are arranged within Record Group 22: Athletics.  Images of baseball are organized under RG22, subgroup baseball, while football is under subgroup football.

The initial steps for processing this collection were completed by intern Jessica Shines.  Ms. Shines’ internship was made possible via a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation as administered through a coalition comprised of soliNET, the HBCU Library Alliance, Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts and the University of Delaware.

Cite As

Lincoln University Picture Collection; (LUPC: xx), Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Missouri.  The xx denotes the specific record group.


The original provenance is lost for this collection; however, it was determined that the majority of these images were either from the University Relations or Journalism departments.

Restrictions on Access

Currently, there are no known restrictions on access to these images.  However, permission to publish works under copyright must be obtained by the holder of the copyright and is the sole responsibility of the user.

Acquisition Information 

These images were acquired through departmental transfers and individual donations. 

Scope and Content

Images contained in this collection chronicle the history of Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Mo.  The images range from candid images of student life to formal images of building dedications and commencements.


For a brief history of Lincoln University, please visit www.lincolnu.edu/pages/211.asp.