Campus ID

Information Technology Services (ITS)
Information Technology Services (ITS) prints all University ID Cards. The issued cards serve as a form of identification to access University facilities, meal plans, campus printers, and events.
Can I punch a hole on my ID card and put it on my key chain?
- No. The I.D. card will no longer work. We prefer you do not as it makes it difficult for the cashier to swipe your card, but if that is your way of securing your ID card, please make sure you do NOT punch a hole through the magnetic strip on the back of the ID card.
How much is a replacement ID card?
- ID cards are $25. You must pay for the card at the Cashier’s Cage at Young Hall and bring the receipt to Auxiliary Services, Young Hall room 105.
Contact Us
Lincoln University820 Chestnut Street
Young Hall Room 117
Jefferson City, MO 65101
P: 573-681-5888