Political Science Courses

Requirements and Course Descriptions
Both the B.A. and the B.S. in Political Science require a minimum grade of “C” in the following courses:
PSC 203 AMERICAN NATIONAL GOVERNMENT (3, fa, sp). Origin, development, structure, functions and problems of the national government. Special reference to recent trends and U.S. and Missouri Constitutions.
PSC 204 AMERICAN STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT (3, sp). Constitutions, intergovernmental relationships, structure, functions, and trends in state and local governmental units. Special reference to the U.S. and Missouri Constitutions.
PSC 300 INTRODUCTION TO POLITICAL SCIENCE (3, fa). This course introduces students to PSC research and surveys five subfields of the discipline: American Government, Public Policy, Comparative Politics, International Relations, and Political Thought
PSC 499 INTERNSHIP (3-6). Internships in legislative or administrative offices. Junior status and consent of instructor is necessary for enrollment.
HIS 205, UNITED STATES HISTORY I (3, fa, sp). Survey of political, economic, and social development of the United States to 1877 including the development of the Missouri and U.S. Constitutions
HIS 206 UNITED STATES HISTORY II (3, fa sp). Survey of political, economic, and social development of the United States since 1877 including changes in the Missouri and U.S. Constitutions.
PHI 101 PRINCIPLES OF REASONING (3, fa, sp). Analysis of argument, detection of fallacies, meaning and definition, formal deduction and induction, with emphasis on practical applications. and either
- S/A 201 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY. (3). This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental concepts, theories, methodological approaches and basic principles used in sociology. The course provides the systematic study of social relationships and interactions. Concepts like socialization, social structures, institutions, inequality, social control, gender, ethnicity, the economy and globalization will be examined during this class. This course serves as a prerequisite to all sociology courses and is required for all sociology majors and minors. This course must be completed with a C or better to count for credit.
- ECO 201. Macro Economics A student must also complete 24 hours of PSC electives at the upper division (300-400) level including at least 15 hours at the 400 level.
The Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science requires an 18-hour minor, whereas the Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science requires 12 hours of foreign language.
The Political Science minor requires 18 hours of PSC courses with a minimum grade of "C" in PSC 203, PSC 204, and PSC 499, plus 9 upper division Political Science electives including not less than 6 hours in 400-level courses.
Department Degree Programs
History | Political Science | Minors |
B.A., B.S. European/World | B.A., B.S. Political Science | Minor, History or Public History |
Minor, Legal Studies or African American Studies | ||
B.A., B.S. United States History | Minor, Political Science or Social Science Education | |
BSED in Social Science | ||
Masters of Arts in History | ||