Senior Portfolios

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Senior Portfolios

The Senior Portfolio is a reflection on your experience as an English major, an assessment of your work in English courses, and a tool for assessing and improving the English program. After you graduate, the English program faculty uses senior portfolios to evaluate their own effectiveness in helping students reach the English Program's Student Learning Outcomes and other program goals.

Portfolio Requirements:
Click on the link to download the senior portfolio requirements for your focus (all documents are in PDF format):

Senior Portfolio Checklist - Emphasis in Creative Writing

Senior Portfolio Checklist - Emphasis in Literature

Portfolio Submission Information is also available inside the Department of English office (110 Martin Luther King Hall).

*Note: Senior Portfolios are always due on the first day of the month prior to the end of the semester in which you're graduating. If this date falls on a Saturday or Sunday, then the portfolios are due the following Monday.

  • Fall Semester: November 1st
  • Spring Semester: April 1st

*We encourage our students to add to their portfolios as they progress through the program so that it is not an extra burden for them at the deadline period.