Student Development
Lincoln University offers a dynamic learning environment that equips students with a comprehensive understanding of their chosen field, providing a competitive edge for life after graduation.
Through the University College, students receive targeted support to bolster their academic abilities and gain a deeper understanding of their chosen field. This approach, combined with our rigorous curriculum and engaging faculty, ensures that students are well-prepared for life after graduation.
In addition to the specialized focus of the University College, students benefit from comprehensive career support through our Career Services and leadership development within various student organizations. At Lincoln University, growth occurs inside and outside the classroom, fostering well-rounded development for successful futures.
Ag Student Organizations
Ag Club brings together students with similar interests to inform them about career options in agriculture and engage them in various activities. It promotes production agriculture, encourages university involvement, and fosters long-term friendships.
LU's chapter of FFA inspires local and urban students to pursue agriculture degrees. The LU FFA chapter collaborates with the LU Agriculture Club and Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences (MANRRS). Previous membership in FFA or 4-H is not required, welcoming members from diverse backgrounds into the alumni chapter.
Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources & Related Sciences (MANRRS) is a national nonprofit organization. The Lincoln University MANRRS chapter focuses on marketing goals, outreach and Extension. MANRRS welcomes members from all racial and ethnic backgrounds interested in agriculture and related sciences, supporting their professional development and career advancement. MANRRS students participate in the prestigious AgDiscovery Program, serving as counselors and providing youth with valuable summer experiences in agriculture.
LU Academic Support
The Academic Success Center supplies student-centered services to aid all students in developing the skills necessary to persist throughout their academic journey while providing the resources to help students overcome classroom challenges, master essential skills, and complete their degrees in a timely matter.
Career Services assists students in exploring their passions and reaching their career aspirations. From freshman year to commencement and beyond, Career Services partners with students in developing career competencies and helping them realize their full potential.
Contact Us
Department of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
219 Founders Hall
816 Chestnut Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101
P: 573-681-5380
F: 573-681-5955
E: DAES@LincolnU.edu