Department of Ag

Master of Science in Sustainable Agriculture

Become a leader in sustainable agriculture, a discipline that harnesses science to address some of the world’s critical issues.

There is a high demand for trained agriculture professionals. The LU sustainable agriculture graduate program prepares individuals for advanced agriculture careers in government agencies, private enterprises, and nonprofits. The knowledge and skills gained during graduate studies gear you for success in production agriculture, entrepreneurship, consultancy, research, teaching, service, and others, and enable solutions for a variety of issues facing modern agriculture.

Enhance your skills through hands-on discovery.

Students pursuing a Master of Science in sustainable agriculture learn by participating in and leading innovative research projects in various focus areas (small ruminants—parasitology, aquaculture, poultry science, cropping systems, etc.). Lincoln’s well-equipped laboratories, including the conventional George Washington Carver and certified organic Alan T. Busby farms, support research endeavors.

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Are you looking for a hands-on opportunity that will help pay for college and contribute to your professional career?

Learn more about our Graduate Assistantship Opportunties!


Gain practical, hands-on experience at three Lincoln University farms, including the organic Alan T. Busby Farm — one of the largest certified research farms in the Midwest.

Lincoln’s farms incorporate aquaculture, large and small ruminant production, greenhouses, vegetable and fruit production, integrated pest management and selected agronomic crops.

Learn in state-of-the-art labs (including chemistry and microbiology), a global information system (GIS) laboratory, and more.

What Lincoln students say

Nikita in the lab

“Faculty-student relationships are outstanding. Faculty guides and motivates you during classroom instruction and in every step of the research activities for excellence.”

— Nikita Bhusal ’22, MS in Sustainable Agriculture (Nepal)

Contact Us

Department of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
219 Frank Hall
816 Chestnut Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101
P: 573-681-5380
F: 573-681-5955
Office of Graduate Studies
Young Hall
820 Chestnut Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101
P: 573-681-5125
E: Apply Today!