Food Safety and Culinary Incubator

culinary incubator kitchen

The LU Culinary Incubator (CI) is a project to empower and help new and existing food entrepreneurs succeed. We target those who are unable to afford the equipment and facilities needed to expand their business. The CI is for small farmers, producers, entrepreneurs and processors to develop new value-added and other food proeduct in compliant facility without the investment of a commercial kitchen.

We have two ways to join - as a CI Member or a CI Associate. The CI program was developed to help small farmers, growers, processors and new entrepreneurs develop a new successful business. If you don't fit into those categories you can join as an Associate. The CI Membership includes some food safety trainings and regular consulting services, associates do not receive trainings. However, both memberships include advice and guidance to help you. We rseserve the right of refusal.

Example of CI uses include canning, processing small batches (salsa, pickles, jams) cottage foods, holiday cookies, valu-added products, catering, making large quantities for home consumption, baking, special events and more.



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cindy borgwordt headshot

Cindy Borgwordt
Research Specialist
124 Foster Hall
P: (573) 681-5973


900 Leslie Boulevard
Lorenzo J. Greene Hall, Suite B
Jefferson City, MO 65101