Academic Calendar
Welcome to Lincoln University's Academic Calendar page. Here, you’ll find important dates and deadlines for the academic year, including registration periods, holidays, and final exams. It is essential to check the calendar regularly, as dates may change to accommodate evolving circumstances.
For questions about commencement, please visit our Graduation page or email your inquiries to commencement@lincolnu.edu.
For a comprehensive list of university-wide events, explore our Events Calendar.
- January 8: Spring Institute
- January 9-10: Advisement and registration for all students; All tuition and fees due and payable at the time of registration
- January 10: FINAL day to pay tuition/fees for spring 2025 1st 8-week and 16-week courses in full or to set up a satisfactory payment plan to avoid risk of classes being deactivated
- January 11-17: Late registration with fee assessed
- January 13-17: DROP-ADD WEEK for students already registered for the current semester (16-week) or 1st 8-week classes; registration for 2nd 8-week classes continues
- January 17: Last day to add classes for 1st 8-week and 16-week sessions; Final business day to drop a 1st 8-week or 16-week class without financial/academic obligations; Last day to use book advances/vouchers
- January 20: MARTIN LUTHER KING’S BIRTHDAY (University closed for the holiday)
- February 3: “X” and “I” grades due in the Office of the Registrar
- February 10: LINCOLN’S BIRTHDAY celebrated (University closed for the holiday)
- February 11: Last day for candidates to file and pay for degrees for spring 2025 semester graduation
- February 18: Last day to withdraw from a course in the 1st 8-week session
- February 24: Last day to file for comprehensive examinations and/or portfolios for master’s and specialist degree candidates
- March 7: Midterm grades posted by 12 noon
- March 8: 1st 8-week classes end
- March 10: Final grades posted for the 1st 8-week session by 12 noon
- March 10-14: SPRING BREAK
- March 17: Classes resume; 2nd 8-week classes begin; Advanced registration for summer and fall 2025 semesters begins; All tuition and fees due and payable at the time of registration
- March 18: Last day to register for 2nd 8-week classes; All tuition fees due and payable at the time of registration
- March 20: Comprehensive examinations for master’s degree candidates (1:00 PM to 5:00 PM CST)
- March 24-28: ASSESSMENT WEEK (Major Field Exams, General Education Test, and student surveys)
- April 17: HONORS CONVOCATION (11 a.m.; Mitchell Auditorium); Last day to withdraw from a course for the 2nd 8-week and/or 16-week sessions
- May 1-2: Final Examinations for May graduates
- May 3: Spring 2025 classwork ends
- May 5-8: Spring 2025 FINAL EXAMINATIONS
- May 12: Final Grades posted by 12:00 noon
The Board of Curators approves the academic calendar, which was last revised on April 25, 2024.
- May 9: Final day to pay tuition/fees for Summer Intersession or to set up a satisfactory payment plan to avoid risk of classes being deactivated.
- May 12-23: Summer Intersession 2025.
- May 27: Final grades posted by 12:00 noon.
The Board of Curators approves the academic calendar, which was last revised on April 25, 2024.
- May 23: Final day to pay tuition/fees in full or set up a satisfactory payment plan to avoid risk of classes being deactivated.
- May 26: Memorial Day (Campus Closed).
- May 27-29: Advisement and registration for all students; all tuition and fees due and payable at the time of registration.
- May 27: Summer 2025 classes begin; final day to drop a 1st 4-week class without financial/academic obligations.
- May 29: Final day to drop an 8-week class without financial/academic obligations; final day to use book advances/vouchers.
- June 4: Final day to file for comprehensive examinations and/or portfolios for master’s and specialist degree candidates; final day to drop 1st 4-week class.
- June 9: Final day to file and pay for degrees for summer 2025 graduation.
- June 15: Deadline for Fall 2025 incoming freshman priority applications.
- June 19: Juneteenth (University closed for the holiday).
- June 23: 1st 4-week classes end.
- June 24: 1st 4-week session final examinations.
- June 25: 2nd 4-week session begins; final day to drop a 2nd 4-week class without financial/academic obligations; comprehensive examinations for master’s degree candidates.
- June 27: Final grades for 1st 4-week session posted by 12:00 noon.
- July 3: July 4th Independence Day celebrated (campus closed).
- July 7: Summer Bridge Program begins.
- July 8: Assessment Day – Major Field Exams, General Education Test, and student surveys.
- July 22: Summer 2025 classes end.
- July 23: Summer 2025 final examinations.
- July 26: Summer Bridge Program ends.
- July 28: Final grades for summer 8-week session posted by 12:00 noon.
The Board of Curators approves the academic calendar, which was last revised on April 25, 2024.
- August 11-12: Fall Faculty and Staff Institute
- August 14-16: Advisement and registration for all students (All tuition and fees due and payable at the time of registration)
- August 17: Final day to pay tuition/fees for Fall 2025 1st 8-week and 16-week courses in full, or to set up a satisfactory payment plan to avoid risk of classes being deactivated.
- August 17-22: Late registration with fee assessed
- August 18: First day of classes
- August 18-22: Drop-Add Week for students already registered for the current semester (16wk) or 1st eight-week classes; registration for 2nd 8-week classes continues.
- August 22: Last day to add classes for 1st 8-week and 16-week sessions. Final business day to drop a 1st 8-week or 16-week class without financial/academic obligations.
- September 1: Labor Day (University closed for holiday)
- September 2: 2025-2026 parking permits required on all vehicles parked in the LU parking lots.
- September 4: Fall Convocation (11 AM - Mitchell Auditorium)
- September 15: “X” and “I” grades due in the Office of the Registrar
- September 17: Last day for candidates to file for degrees for Fall 2025 semester graduation
- September 22: Last day to drop classes or withdraw from the University for the 1st 8-week session
- October 6: Last day to file for comprehensive examinations and/or portfolios for Master’s and specialist degree candidates
- October 10: Midterm grades posted by 12 noon
- October 11: First 8-week classes end
- October 13: First day of Fall 2nd 8-week classes. Final grades posted for the 1st 8-week session by 12 noon.
- October 14: Last day to register for the 2nd 8-week session. All tuition and fees due and payable for the 2nd 8-week session.
- October 17: Final day to drop 2nd 8-week class without financial/academic obligations.
- October 20-24: Assessment Week: Major Field Exams, General Education Test, and student surveys
- October 23: Comprehensive examinations for Master’s degree candidates (1:00 PM to 5:00 PM CST)
- November 5: Advanced registration for Spring 2026 semester begins. All tuition and fees for Spring 2026 due and payable at the time of registration.
- November 11: Veteran’s Day (University closed)
- November 21: Last day to withdraw from a course for the 2nd 8-week and/or 16-week sessions
- November 24-28: Thanksgiving Break (no classes)
- November 27-28: Thanksgiving Holiday (University closed)
- December 1: Classes resume
- December 5: Fall 2025 classwork ends
- December 8-11: Fall Final Examinations
- December 15: Final grades posted by 12 noon.
The Board of Curators approves the academic calendar, which was last revised on February 25, 2025.
- January 7: Spring Faculty and Staff Institute
- January 8-9: Advisement and registration for all students. All tuition and fees for Spring 2026 due and payable at the time of registration.
- January 11: Final day to pay tuition/fees for Spring 2026 1st 8-week or 16-week courses in full, or to set up a satisfactory payment plan to avoid risk of classes being deactivated.
- January 11-16: Late registration with fee assessed.
- January 12: First day of classes.
- January 12-16: Drop-Add Week for students already registered for current semester (16wk) or 1st 8-week classes; registration for 2nd 8-week classes continues.
- January 15: Founders Day & Convocation.
- January 16: Last day to add classes for 1st 8-week and 16-week sessions. Final business day to drop a 1st 8-week or 16-week class without financial/academic obligations.
- January 19: Martin Luther King’s Birthday (University closed).
- February 9: “X” and “I” grades due in the Office of the Registrar.
- February 11: Last day for candidates to file and pay for degrees for Spring 2026 semester graduation.
- February 13: Lincoln’s Birthday (University closed for holiday observance).
- February 16: Last day to withdraw from a course in the 1st 8-week session.
- February 23: Last day to file for comprehensive examinations and/or portfolios for Master’s and specialist degree candidates.
- March 6: Midterm grades posted by 12 noon.
- March 7: 1st 8-week classes end.
- March 9: Final grades posted for the 1st 8-week session by 12 noon.
- March 9-13: Spring Break.
- March 16: Classes resume. 2nd 8-week classes begin.
- March 17: Last day to register for 2nd 8-week classes. All tuition fees due and payable at the time of registration.
- March 18: Advanced registration for Summer and Fall 2026 semesters begins. All tuition and fees due and payable at the time of registration.
- March 23-27: Assessment Week: Major Field Exams, General Education Test, and student surveys.
- March 26: Comprehensive examinations for Master’s degree candidates (1:00 PM to 5:00 PM CST).
- April 3: Free Day (University closed).
- April 16: Last day to withdraw from a course for the 2nd 8-week and/or 16-week sessions.
- April 23: Honors Convocation (11 a.m.; Richardson Auditorium).
- May 2: Spring 2026 classwork ends.
- May 4-7: Spring Final Examinations.
- May 9: Spring 2026 Commencement Ceremonies.
- May 11: Final grades posted by 12:00 noon.
The Board of Curators approves the academic calendar, which was last revised on February 25, 2025.
- May 18: Intersession classes begin.
- May 19: Last day to add or drop Intersession classes. Final day to pay tuition/fees for Intersession courses in full, or to set up a satisfactory payment plan to avoid risk of classes being deactivated.
- May 25: Memorial Day (University closed).
- May 29: Summer Intersession classes end. Final day to pay tuition/fees for Summer 2026 8-week and 1st 4-week courses in full, or to set up a satisfactory payment plan to avoid risk of classes being deactivated.
- June 1: Grades for Intersession posted by noon.
The Board of Curators approves the academic calendar, which was last revised on February 25, 2025.
- June 1: Summer 2026 classes begin. All tuition and fees due and payable at the time of registration.
- June 3: Final day to drop a 1st 4-week class without financial/academic obligations. Last day to file for comprehensive examinations and/or portfolios for Master’s and specialist degree candidates.
- June 5: Final day to drop an 8-week class without financial/academic obligations.
- June 10: Final day to file for degrees for Summer 2026 graduation.
- June 15: Deadline for Fall 2026 incoming freshman priority applications.
- June 18: Juneteenth (University closed for holiday observance).
- June 24: 1st 4-week classes end.
- June 25: 1st 4-week session final examinations. Comprehensive examinations for Master’s degree candidates.
- June 29: 2nd 4-week session begins. Final day to drop a 2nd 4-week class without financial/academic obligations. Final grades for 1st 4-week session posted by 12:00 noon.
- July 2: July 4th Independence Day (University closed for holiday observance).
- July 6: Summer Bridge Program begins.
- July 9: Assessment Day: Major Field Exams, General Education Test, and student surveys.
- July 22: Summer 2026 classes end.
- July 23: Summer 2026 final examinations.
- July 25: Summer Bridge Program ends.
- July 27: Final grades for Summer 8-week session posted by 12:00 noon.
The Board of Curators approves the academic calendar, which was last revised on February 25, 2025.
- August 10-11: Fall Faculty and Staff Institute
- August 13-15: Advisement and registration for all students. All tuition and fees due and payable at the time of registration.
- August 16: Final day to pay tuition/fees for Fall 2026 1st 8-week and 16-week courses in full, or to set up a satisfactory payment plan to avoid risk of classes being deactivated.
- August 16-21: Late registration fee assessed.
- August 17: First day of classes.
- August 17-21: Drop-Add Week for students already registered for current semester (16wk) or 1st eight-week classes; registration for 2nd 8-week classes continues.
- August 21: Last day to add classes for 1st 8-week and 16-week sessions. Final business day to drop a 1st 8-week or 16-week class without financial/academic obligations.
- September 1: Parking permits required on all vehicles parked in the LU parking lots.
- September 3: Fall Convocation.
- September 7: Labor Day (University closed for holiday).
- September 8: “X” and “I” grades due in the Office of the Registrar.
- September 16: Last day for candidates to file for degrees for fall semester graduation.
- September 21: Last day to drop classes or withdraw from the University for the 1st 8-week session.
- September 29: Last day to file for comprehensive examinations and/or portfolios for Master’s and specialist degree candidates.
- October 9: Midterm grades posted by 12 noon.
- October 10: 1st 8-week classes end.
- October 12: First day of Fall 2nd 8-week classes. Final grades posted for the 1st 8-week session by 12 noon.
- October 13: Last day to register for the 2nd 8-week session. All tuition and fees due and payable for 2nd 8-week session.
- October 16: Final day to drop 2nd 8-week class without financial/academic obligations.
- October 19-23: Assessment Week: Major Field Exams, General Education Test, and student surveys.
- October 22: Comprehensive examinations for Master’s degree candidates (1:00 PM to 5:00 PM CST).
- October 28: Advanced registration for Spring 2026 semester begins. All tuition and fees due and payable at the time of registration.
- November 11: Veteran’s Day (University closed for holiday).
- November 20: Last day to withdraw from a course for the 2nd 8-week and/or 16-week sessions.
- November 23-27: Thanksgiving Break (no classes).
- November 26-27: Thanksgiving (University closed).
- November 30: Classes resume.
- December 4: Fall 2026 classwork ends.
- December 7-11: Fall 2026 Final Examinations.
- December 14: Final grades posted by 12 noon.
The Board of Curators approves the academic calendar, which was last revised on February 25, 2025.
- January 6: Spring Faculty and Staff Institute
- January 7-9: Advisement and registration for all students. All tuition and fees due and payable at the time of registration.
- January 10: Final day to pay tuition/fees for Spring 1st 8-week and 16-week courses in full, or to set up a satisfactory payment plan to avoid risk of classes being deactivated.
- January 10-15: Late registration with fee assessed.
- January 11: First day of classes.
- January 11-15: Drop-Add Week for students already registered for current semester (16wk) or 1st 8-week classes; registration for 2nd 8-week classes continues.
- January 14: Founder’s Day & Convocation.
- January 15: Last day to add classes for 1st 8-week and 16-week sessions. Final business day to drop a 1st 8-week or 16-week class without financial/academic obligations.
- January 18: Martin Luther King’s Birthday (University closed for holiday).
- February 1: “X” and “I” grades due in the Office of the Registrar.
- February 10: Last day for candidates to file for degrees for Spring semester graduation.
- February 12: Lincoln’s Birthday (University closed for holiday observance).
- February 15: Last day to withdraw from a course in the 1st 8-week session.
- February 22: Last day to file for comprehensive examinations and/or portfolios for Master’s and specialist degree candidates.
- March 5: Midterm grades posted by 12 noon.
- March 6: 1st 8-week classes end.
- March 8: Final grades posted for the 1st 8-week session by 12 noon.
- March 8-12: Spring Break.
- March 15: Classes resume. 2nd 8-week classes begin.
- March 16: Last day to register for 2nd 8-week classes. All tuition fees due and payable at the time of registration.
- March 17: Advanced registration for Summer and Fall semesters begins. All tuition and fees due and payable at the time of registration.
- March 22-26: Assessment Week: Major Field Exams, General Education Test, and student surveys.
- March 25: Comprehensive examinations for Master’s degree candidates (1:00 PM to 5:00 PM CST).
- March 26: Free Day (University closed).
- April 15: Last day to withdraw from a course for this 2nd 8-week and/or 16-week sessions.
- April 22: Honors Convocation (11 a.m.; Richardson Auditorium).
- April 30: Spring 2027 classwork ends.
- May 3-6: Spring Final Examinations.
- May 8: Spring 2027 Commencement Ceremonies.
- May 10: Final grades posted by 12:00 noon.
The Board of Curators approves the academic calendar, which was last revised on February 25, 2025.
- May 17: Intersession classes begin.
- May 18: Last day to add or drop Intersession classes. Final day to pay tuition/fees for intersession courses in full, or to set up a satisfactory payment plan to avoid risk of classes being deactivated.
- May 29: Summer Intersession Classes end. Final day to pay tuition/fees for Summer 2026 8-week and 1st 4-week courses in full, or to set up a satisfactory payment plan to avoid risk of classes being deactivated.
- May 31: Memorial Day (University closed).
- June 1: Grades for Intersession posted by noon.
The Board of Curators approves the academic calendar, which was last revised on February 25, 2025.
- June 2: Advisement and registration for summer classes. All tuition and fees due and payable at the time of registration.
- June 3: Summer classes begin.
- June 4: Final day to drop a 1st 4-week class without financial/academic obligations.
- June 7: Final day to drop an 8-week class without financial/academic obligations.
- June 9: Final day to file for comprehensive examinations and/or portfolios for Master’s and specialist degree candidates. Final day to drop 1st 4-week class.
- June 15: Deadline for Fall 2027 incoming freshman priority applications.
- June 16: Final day to file for degrees for Summer graduation.
- June 17: Juneteenth (University closed for holiday observance).
- June 28: 1st 4-week classes end.
- June 29: 1st 4-week session final examinations.
- June 30: 2nd 4-week session begins. Final day to drop a 2nd 4-week class without financial/academic obligations. Final grades for 1st 4-week session posted by 12:00 noon.
- July 1: Comprehensive examinations for Master’s degree candidates.
- July 5: July 4th Independence Day (University closed for holiday observance).
- July 7: Summer Bridge Program begins.
- July 8: Assessment Day: Major Field Exams, General Education Test, and student surveys.
- July 27: Summer 2027 classes end.
- July 28: Summer final examinations.
- July 30: Final grades for Summer 8-week session posted by 12:00 noon.
- July 31: Summer Bridge Program ends.
The Board of Curators approves the academic calendar, which was last revised on February 25, 2025.