International Student Graduation

International Student Graduation

Learn how to file for graduation as an international student, and find key forms you'll need to complete to take part in our commencement ceremony. Lincoln University holds its annual Commencement exercises in May.

To ensure that you are able to take part and celebrate your achievement in graduating from Lincoln, follow the instructions below.


Steps to File For a Degree as an International Student

  • Go to your advisor to request a major or minor checklist.
  • Working with your advisor, complete the checklist. Your advisor will forward it to the relevant department head, along with your contact information.
  • The department head will verify the checklist and pass it on to the Office of the Registrar.
  • The Registrar will review your major checklist and general education checklist to confirm you have met all graduation requirements.
  • If you've met all requirements, the Office of the Registrar will contact you. You will be able to file by paying the $40 graduation fee to the Cashier's Office and completing the Application for Degree form located in the Registrar's Office.

You can find key dates and other information pertaining to graduation on the Preparing for Graduation page. Important deadlines related to graduation can also be found in the Academic Calendar.

Key Forms

If you are graduating and planning on attending Commencement, please fill out the following forms and submit them to the Beza International Student Center six weeks before graduation.

Graduation Sash Order/ Request Form (PDF)

Alumni Record Update Form (PDF)

Photo Release Form (PDF)

Contact Us

Dr. Jabulani Beza International Student Services Beza International Student Center 820 Chestnut Street Jefferson City, MO  65101 Email: