Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Eligibility to receive financial aid from federal Title IV programs requires that students maintain satisfactory academic progress. In response to requirements within the law for these programs, the university has developed this requirement in addition to existing academic policy and designated that it also extends to selected and institutional programs of assistance.


The intent of this requirement is to:

  1. ensure that students using financial aid programs are demonstrating responsible use of public funds in pursuit of their educational goals;
  2. set standards for monitoring all financial aid recipients’ course completion rates each term, warning individual students when progress is so slow that financial aid eligibility may run out before completion of the degree program; and
  3. give students whose progress does not meet the standards of this policy at least one term of financial aid on a probationary basis in which to improve their academic progress.



The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, and final regulations set by the United States Department of Education (34CFR668.16) require that institutions of higher education establish reasonable standards of satisfactory academic progress as a condition of continuing eligibility for federal aid programs. Nothing in this policy shall be construed as an exemption of the requirements of any other federal or state agency, or other granting or governing authority that apply to what assistance a student receives, nor does this policy limit the authority of the Director of Financial Aid when taking responsible action to eliminate fraud or abuse in these programs.

Satisfactory Progress Standards

To remain eligible for financial assistance, a student must:

  • complete courses at an overall rate which will ensure graduation within the maximum time frame;
  • earn credit for a reasonable number of credit hours toward a degree or certificate each term;
  • complete developmental and incomplete courses in a timely manner;
  • graduate prior to the maximum time frame specific to his/her degree program;
  • maintain academic standing, usually specific term and cumulative grade point average, consistent with Lincoln University academic policy.

Notification of Financial Aid Probation or Termination

The Office of Student Financial Services will send an email to any student who is placed on probation or a termination email to any student who is no longer eligible for financial aid. The email will be sent to the student’s campus email address or personal email address that was provided to the University from their FAFSA application.



  1. A student who does not meet the undergraduate or graduate overall completion rates specified in this requirement will be placed on probation for one term following identification of unsatisfactory progress.
  2. For all other purposes, a student who desires to appeal termination of his/her financial aid eligibility must appeal in writing, usually on a form designated for that purpose, to the Office of Student Financial Services by the date indicated in the termination letter. The Director of Financial Aid may take action on the appeal or forward it to the Financial Aid Appeals Committee for review. The committee’s decision may be appealed to the Director; the Director’s decision may be appealed to the Senior Director of Student Financial Services.

The Financial Aid Appeals Committee, appointed by the Senior Director of Student Financial Services shall have a membership that consists of two faculty and/or staff members familiar with university academic policy, in addition to those individuals two members of Student Financial Services, one Financial Aid Counselor and one Student Account Coordinators. It may also have an additional member who participates in general committee matters. The committee considers, in a timely manner, appeals that are referred to it. The committee normally reviews the written record and does not conduct hearings unless unusual circumstances warrant such. A student is encouraged to submit a third party written document to support his/her appeal.

Amendment to the Requirement

This requirement will be amended whenever applicable federal or state law or regulations are changed. Upon approval of the President, the Director of Financial Aid is authorized to incorporate and implement changes required by federal or state law or regulations. Other amendments, not required by changes in the law or regulations, will be considered through the revision procedures.