Cost of Attendance

What does cost of attendance (COA) mean?
- Your COA is the amount it will cost you to go to school.
What's the difference between cost of attendance (COA) and tuition?
- While tuition is what one pays for classroom instructions, COA also includes room and board (if you live on campus), books, supplies, transportation, loan fees, and miscellaneous expenses.
- Cost of attendance is the combined total of your direct expenses, such as tuition, books, fees, room and board (if you live on campus), and a reasonable portion of living expenses, such as personal expenses and transportation.
- Out-of-state students pay a difference in tuition changes only.
Your financial aid package is designed to assist you with these costs and may not cover 100% of your expenses. The Office of Student Financial Services will assist you in determining these costs.
How does LU use the expected family contribution (EFC)?
We subtract your EFC from the total cost of attending their institution for one year. The total cost─which includes tuition, fees, housing and meal plan, and indirect expenses─minus your EFC is how much financial aid they estimate you'll need to attend the college.
Why is my EFC higher than cost of attendance?
If you have a high EFC, it means the federal government thinks you or your family will be able to cover a bigger portion of your cost of higher education—especially if your EFC is more than the cost.
Financial Need
Financial aid from most of the programs discussed on this website is awarded on the basis of financial need (except for unsubsidized Stafford and all PLUS loans).
When you apply for federal student aid, the information you report is used in a formula established by the U.S. Congress. The formula determines your Expected Family Contribution (EFC), and the amount you and your family are expected to contribute toward your educational cost. The student and parents or legal guardians are responsible for paying educational costs. Lincoln University expects that parents will assist in paying the cost to the greatest extent their income will permit. The student is also expected to share in the cost of education through working, borrowing, and savings. We encourage you where practical, to seek aid from the community, regional, and national organizations. If your EFC is below a certain amount, you will be eligible for a Federal Pell Grant.
There is not a maximum EFC that defines eligibility for the other financial aid programs.
Instead, your EFC is used in the following equation to determine your financial need:
- Expected Family Contribution
=Financial Need
Your financial aid counselor will calculate your cost of attendance and subtracts the amount of your EFC from that cost. If there is anything left over, you are considered to have financial need. In determining your need for aid from financial aid programs, your counselor must first consider other types of financial aid you are expected to receive.
If you have special circumstances that may affect your EFC or warrant an adjustment in your cost of attendance, you must complete the Special Consideration form for the appropriate year. Special Circumstances may result from one or more of the following conditions:
- Loss of employment or significant reduction in income or benefits
- Unusually high medical expenses not covered by insurance
- Disability
- Retirement
- Other unusual circumstances or expenses
The form must be completed and submitted with the required documentation.
Contact Us
Office of Student Financial Services
103 Young Hall
820 Chestnut Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101
P: 573-681-6156
Hours: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Monday - Friday
Summer Hours: 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Monday - Thursday, Closed Fridays
*We have implemented an automated message to better assist students/parents when contacting our office. There are several menu options, please listen closely to the items. If one is not stated that will assist you, please press #0 for a customer service representative.