Online Courses for High School Students

online courses

Explore our dual credit high school courses to save time and money on your future!

Lincoln University has provided concurrent enrollment opportunities for thousands of high school students in the central Missouri area for over ten years.  Early college programs are becoming increasingly popular among high school students.  Concurrent enrollment benefits students by preparing them for college through providing an opportunity to experience rigorous college-level coursework, saving time by providing a head start on college credit, and making college more affordable. 

We understand the challenges many high schools face when trying to establish dual credit programs at their school, as well as the challenges students face when trying to earn college credit while participating in extra-curricular activities.  To attempt to address these challenges, Lincoln University offers online college courses that are open to both high school students and home-schooled students. All online courses will be taught by Lincoln University faculty. The following courses are the Fall 2018 offerings:

ART 100                    Introduction to Art (3 credit hours, 1st eight weeks)

ART 100                    Introduction to Art (3 credit hours, 2nd eight weeks)

BAD 101                    Introduction to Business(3 credit hours)                      

BAD 250                    Personal Finance (3 credit hours)

BIO 103                    Principles of Biology (3 credit hours)

CHM 103                   Living With Chemistry (3 credit hours, 2nd eight weeks)

CS 105                      Business Applications for the Microcomputer (3 credit hours)

HIS 101                     World Civilization I (3 credit hours)

MAT 117                    Elementary Statistics (3 credit hours)

PEP 200                    Foundations of Physical Education and Wellness (3 credit hours)

PSC 203                    American National Government (3 credit hours)

SPT 206                    Fundamentals of Speech (3 credit hours)

Student Eligibility

  • Students in the 11th and 12th grades with an overall minimun grade point avarage of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) are automatically eligible for dual enrollment courses.
  • Students in the 11th and 12th grades with an overall grade point average between 2.5 and 2.99 (on a 4.0 scale) must provide a signed letter of recommendation from their principal or guidance counselor and provide written permission from a parent or legal guardian.
  • Students in the 10th grade must have an overall minimun grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) and must provide a signed letter of recommendation from their principle and guidance counselor and provide written permission from a parent or legal guardian.
  • Students in the 9th grade must have an overall minimum grade point average or 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale), score in the 90th percentile or above on the ACT or SAT, provide a signed letter of recommendation from their principal and guidance counselor and provide written permission from a parent or legal guardian.

In addition to the above requirements, all students must meet the prerequisites of the specific course(s) in which they wish to enroll.

Course Prerequisites
MAT 117 Elementary Statistics ACT Math sub-score of 22 or above
SPT 206 Fundamentals of Speech ENG 101


The tuition for online dual enrollment classes is $150.00 per credit hour. No additional fees are associated with online dual enrollment; however, students will be responsible for purchasing textbooks for the courses.

How to make a payment

Transferability of Credit

All online general education courses will likely transfer to any public post-secondary institution in the state of Missouri. Credit transfer to private institutions is not guaranteed; students are strongly encouraged to contact their prospective institutions to determine their dual credit transfer policy.


Registration for dual enrollment online courses will be through the Division of Educational Innovation and Extended Studies. All students will also need an official transcript to verify their grade point average, and documentation of ACT scores, if applicable.

Class Start Dates

Online course schedules will follow the same academic calendar as the University.  


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Graduate and Extended Studies
Young Hall, Room 108
820 Chestnut Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Phone: 573-681-6025