Exterior of Page Library at Lincoln University with setting set reflected in windows

University College

Lincoln University College graphic

Hey, Blue Tiger freshman! University College is here to supercharge your learning journey and boost your academic skills. Are you a freshman enrolled in 0-30 hours at Lincoln University? Then University College is just for you!

University College provides various academic resources and support services to assist freshmen with creating a college plan for success. We guide you in pinpointing your educational and career goals from the start, empowering you to maximize your undergraduate journey. Here’s to achieving your academic dreams and making the most of your time at Lincoln University!

Not enrolled yet, but ready to apply? Click here to apply and to start your Blue Tiger journey.

University College Resources for Freshmen

Student on campus

Academic Advising

Academic advising aims to bring clarity to students regarding available academic programs during the registration process. It also provides guidance for purposeful and goal-oriented academic progress.

Find Your Advisor

Student in dorm

Academic Enrichment Services

Academic Enrichment Services within the University College provides a set of holistic academic services that support students during their matriculation as undergraduate students. University College providetutoring and supplemental instruction, writing assistance through the Writing Center, support for math-related courses through the Math Center and GE 101 (first-year seminar).
LU Summer Bridge

LU Summer Bridge Program

The Lincoln University Bridge program provides direct support and guidance for incoming freshmen and is designed to increase a student’s likelihood of academic success during their first year in college.

Bridge Program Information

Students on campus

Academic Routine Committee Process (Academic Appeals)

If you would like to file an academic appeal, please click below. If you have questions about your appeal application or need additional information, please contact: ARCAppeals@LincolnU.edu or (573) 681-5456

Academic Appeal Form

Faculty Resources

Student Intervention Request

University College is committed to fostering academic success and providing timely support to our students. Faculty members play a crucial role in identifying students who may benefit from additional academic assistance.

If you have observed a student struggling academically, please do not hesitate to submit an intervention request. By doing so, you enable our Academic Success Center staff to promptly offer the necessary support and resources to help the student thrive.

Please use the form linked below to communicate the details of your intervention request. Your proactive engagement is vital in helping us ensure every student's success at Lincoln University.

Submit Form